GRAS Release Notes¶
GRAS 6.0.1¶
22 Apr 2024
Platforms and dependencies¶
This release has been tested on
Linux: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (gcc-9.3.0) 64 bits
GRAS 6.0.1 requires the installation of
Geant4 10.7 (patch04)
Changes since previous release 6.0¶
TNID_V analysis module: fix for definition of units for TNID / NIEL curves (Ticket #49)
Changes since previous release 5.2.1¶
17 Jul 2023
Multi-Threading support
New generic factors analysis module (fluence/step-length/energy-deposition - to - effect)
New effective dose analysis based on ICRP123
Simulation can stop by reached target precision (also for forward simulations)
New names for some existing analysis types. the old analysis names are accepted in the input macros for backward compatibility, however the new names are used in the output files:
dose –> tid (for Total Ionizing Dose)
niel –> tnid (for Total Non-Ionizing Dose - computed at the surface)
nid –> tnid_v (for Total Non-Ionizing Dose - computed in the volume)
Improved consistency of units in output files
Removed dependency on external ROOT libraries - using Geant4 native capability for writing ROOT files
Various fixes, including fix for histogram units
Harmonisation of histogram names
magnetic fields¶
New spherical grid option for magnetic field maps (e.g. for planetary simulations)
Option of using native Geant4 physics lists alongside GRAS specific ones
Extended tests suite
New scripts for launching all tests and comparing to existing results
- fix to schema location in GDML geometry file
GRAS 5.2.1 Release Notes¶
16 May 2022
Platforms and dependencies¶
This release has been tested on
Linux: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (gcc-9.3.0) 64 bits
GRAS 5.2.1 requires the installation of
Geant4 10.7 (patch03)
Optional extra packages
ROOT - histogramming package(tested with ROOT 6.22/08)
Zstr - to create or read compressed SPENVIS CSV files from the Two-Stage Analysis module
Changes since previous release 5.2.0¶
Fix for empty ROOT tuple leaves declared as float
Activate Biasing physics only for two_stage simulations
All analysis types: fix of tuple filling of float leaves - explicit float() conversion
dose: Removed ResetStatDouble from BeginOfRun - affected the accumulate between runs
NewLET: Added a missing space in a histogram title and converted all histogram titles to uppercase
NewLET: use correct module name when output the additional material histograms to CSV file
fluence: minor update to enable the tallying of primary particle
EqDose: Fix of wrong index variable used when booking 1D histogram for dose vs primary energy
along_step: New flag for switching the tuple position between global and local (in the volume reference frame)
StatDoubleManager: fix to error calculation for weighted cases
Activate Biasing physics only for two_stage simulations
Updated the G4cout for
/gras/physics/list all
command to includeem_standard_space
- fix to schema location in GDML geometry filecharging - cube, cube_modified
- reduced number of eventsAll tests: new reference CSV output
: reverting to earlier Target definition with 2 spheres because of RMC surface sampling
GRAS 5.2.0 Release Notes¶
30 Nov 2021
Platforms and dependencies¶
This release has been tested on
Linux: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (gcc-9.3.0) 64 bits
GRAS 5.2.0 requires the installation of
Geant4 10.7 (patch03)
Optional extra packages
ROOT - histogramming package(tested with ROOT 6.22/08)
Zstr - to create or read compressed SPENVIS CSV files from the Two-Stage Analysis module
Changes since previous release 5.0.1¶
Recording of file phase-space information of particles as they reach user-identified volumes then kill the particles in the first simulation. These particles can then be read-back in a second stage (more detailed) simulation.
Examples provided in
Dose equivalent: fix to wrong histogram index m_histoIDForDoseVSPrimaryKinE, was causing wrong fill of histograms and inconsistent histogram printout in CSV output
Dose: added mGy unit. All analysis modules: Removed
(per event)
from output to log at end of runPhase-space track (PSTrack) analysis classes added.
Note that this requires ROOT
Reverse (Adjoint) MC physics
Fix for reverse electron/gamma low dose with thick shielding
Fix for reverse proton dose anomalous dependence on range cuts
listPhysics list dedicated to space applications. It was developed in the ESA AREMBES project, with special attention to the requirements of X-ray astronomy missions.
Corrections made to treatment of multiple (GDML & Gmsh) seometries in a single mother mass world
GRAS now permits treatment of multiple (GDML & Gmsh) geometries in a layered mass (parallel) worlds
Test cases in
New tests
- Adjoint proton (non) dependence on cut in rangeanalysis/dose_equivalent
New test used for fix of histogram index buggeometry/multi
- Layered mass (parallel world) geometry tests
GRAS 5.0.1 Release Notes¶
20 Mar 2020
Platforms and dependencies¶
This release has been tested on
Linux: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (gcc-7.4.0) 64 bits
GRAS 5.0.1 requires the installation of
Geant4 10.5 (patch1)
Optional extra packages
Histogramming package: ROOT (tested with ROOT 6.16/00)
Changes since previous release 5.0¶
All analysis types
Protection of calls for calculation of source surface area, now limited to Forward MC mode only
Fixes general problem with GRAS Reverse MC simulations
Reverse (Adjoint) MC physics
Added definition of physics constructor type, for consistency with new modular physics list logic in Geant4 10.5
This fixes a problem of lower TID results in RMC simulations that had been introduced in GRAS development versions after GRAS 4.0 (i.e. the TID results with RMC in the official release GRAS 4.0 were not affected)
Updated tests
(test of Reverse MC) moved to new locationtests/rmc/rmc1
New tests
- TID calculations from MEO e- and MEO solar proton spectra in both FMC and RMC mode, in a simple box shielding geometry
GRAS 5.0 Release Notes¶
11 Dec 2019
Platforms and dependencies¶
This release has been tested on
Linux: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (gcc-7.4.0) 64 bits
GRAS 5.0 requires the installation of
Geant4 10.5 (patch1)
Optional extra packages
Histogramming package: ROOT (tested with ROOT 6.16/00)
Changes since previous release¶
files for official GRAS distributionFixed all compilation warnings for gcc-7.4.0
Update to Geant4 10.5
Calculation of volume and surface area for inserted volumes
Automatic calculation (default) with
User defined with
Calculation of (target, i.e. 2nd volume) area for interfaces
Automatic calculation (default) with
User defined with
GRASStatDouble: added # of non-zero entries
GRASStatDouble: # of entries and # of non-zero entries added to CSV where missing
Added unit
Position at (user defined) interface: if an interface is added, added interface crossing position of (progenitor) particle to new step-by-step tuple in detailed mode (
int_posx y z, int_pdg, int_kine
)Dose per particle species: fix: restored functionality with species as detected at user selected interface (and not local at the step)
Added CSV output of dose per particle species
Normalisation of dose spectrum (i.e. pulse height spectrum) to total fluence at target
RMC mode: modification for to correct the dose vs primary energy histogram
Introduction of target surface area, automatically computed or user defined
Division by target surface area (automatically computed) and new units for this case:
, etcDefault unit changed to
Default behaviour set to
pathLengthCorrection false
Added CSV output of TNID per particle species
Normalisation of NIEL spectrum (i.e. TNID pulse height spectrum) to total fluence at target
NIEL spectrum histogram: fixed NIEL spectrum, now filling value w/o weight, with weight used as weight
Division by target volume (automatically computed) and new units for this case:
, etcDefault unit changed to
Added CSV output of TNID per particle species
NID spectrum (i.e. TNID pulse height spectrum) fixed histogram fill (was filling weighted value) and histogram normalisation to total fluence at target
Added more information to the tuple for in-depth analysis and event tree reconstruction
Added more information to tuple
Histogram normalisation to 1
Modifications needed for Geant4 10.5
EM default:
EM cross section method names and UI commands: EM added
Add the method
and the corresponding UI command/gras/physics/util/printHadronicCrossSectionTable
- small fixesmulassis
shapeFix of normalisation for MULASSIS case by defining the source surface area mimicked in each case (slab, sphere, cylinder)
Trigger: fixed visualization of event filter with trigger by analysis modules (
Updated tests
New tests
- step-by-step output to tuple on energy deposition, including information on position, energy, species, etc for detailed analysis of response of sensitive volumesgeometry/mulassis/normalisation
- source normalisation when using the MULASSIS geometry, with equivalent MULASSIS macros for same configurations
removed outdated scripts configure_and_install and gras_env
new step-by-step instructions for installation on Ubuntu in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
removed instructions on configure_and_install script
Granular [wiki:GRAS/GRAS-trunk/UserGuide User guide] pages
Update of wiki for geometry, analysis, visualization based on updates above
Removed outdated information from files INSTALL, README
GRAS 4.0 Release Notes¶
25 July 2017
Platforms and dependencies¶
This release has been tested on
Linux: SLC6 (gcc-5.3.0, gcc-6.3.0) 64 bits
MacOSX Yosemite 64 bit
GRAS 4.0 requires the installation of
Geant4 10.3 (preferably including patch2)
Optional extra packages
Histogramming package: ROOT (not for Windows)
Dropped dependence on AIDA external analysis interface
Dropped dependence on external CLHEP installation
Changes since previous release¶
Fixed all compilation warnings for gcc-6.3.0
Fixed dose computation for ions (d, t, He3, He4, heavy ions)
Correct some bugs in analysis relative to the GRAS RMC mode
Add the contribution of the gamma radiation to the dose in the case of the point detector analysis. This contribution is computed by considering mass absorption coefficients from NIST.
Adapt the reverse MC analysis to treat correctly the new possibilty to get multiple adjoint particles arriving at the external source during the same event.
Several modifications needed for Geant4 10.3
WVI, GS, SS electromagnetic physics builders are taken from Geant4 library, local copy removed
Reverse MC physics list : - Switch on by default the discrete reverse Compton and photo electric effect. - Add the possibility to split adjoint gamma and electron on the adjoint source (factor 1 by default for both e- and gamma) - Add by default the use of the forcing of the gamma reverse physics implemented in Geant4.10.3
Update examples reverse_mc/juice_example and reverse_mc/simple_geo
Update [wiki:GRAS/GRAS-trunk/ReverseMCHowTo How To] on the Reverse MC in the wiki.
GRAS 3.3 Release Notes¶
19 July 2013
Platforms and dependencies¶
This release has been tested on
Linux: SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 (gcc-4.3.3), 64 bit
MacOSX Lion 64 bit
Windows7 32bit and 64bit
GRAS 3.3 requires the installation of
Geant4 9.6 (preferably including patch2)
Optional extra packages
Histogramming package: AIDA (not for Windows)
Histogramming package: ROOT (not for Windows)
Changes since previous release¶
analysis¶ fixed (Windows) compilation error
Add Reaction analysis module
Switch off by default the discrete reverse Compton and photo electric effect
Add splitting of forward primary gamma on the adjoint source (factor 10 by default)
New adjoint bremsstrahlung
Consider the world limit as default external source surface
Go back to the ray tracing computation of the adjoint source surface
Add temporarily a copy of G4Adjoint classes as CopyG4Adjoint for purpose of further development of ReverseMC
Add units to Variable description for 2D Histo
add example reverse_mc/juice_example
Add [wiki:GRAS/GRAS-trunk/ReverseMCHowTo How To] on the Reverse MC in the wiki
GRAS 3.2 Release Notes¶
04 June 2013
Platforms and dependencies¶
This release has been tested on
Linux: SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 (gcc-4.3.3), 64 bit
MacOSX Lion 64 bit
Windows7 32bit and 64bit
GRAS 3.2 requires the installation of
Geant4 9.6 (preferably including patch2)
Optional extra packages
Histogramming package: AIDA (not for Windows)
Histogramming package: ROOT (not for Windows)
Changes since previous release¶
fix to dose in histograms: [source:trunk/gras/source/analysis/src/ FillEventHistos] now dividing dose by mass when needed
re-enabled histo of dose vs. primary kinetic energy if histos are on
minor changes to the CSV histogram axis labels
All analysis modules
m_mass computed by [source:trunk/gras/source/analysis/src/ ComputeMass()] at first request from [source:trunk/gras/source/analysis/src/ GetMass()] to make it available in all modules and avoid code duplication
unit always set via [source:trunk/gras/source/analysis/src/ SetUnit()] (now virtual)
Equivalent dose:
fix to [source:trunk/gras/source/analysis/src/] for dose output in CSV file, to include /mass for Gy-eq, Sv, mSv unit cases
Added ICRP103 curve from ICRP publication 103 (2007)
Fix to neutron ICRP92 curve (from footnote 9 at page 78 of ICRP publication 92 (2003)
Added ICRP58 RBE curve (thanks to M-A Chavy Macdonald)
from ICRP publication 58 (1989) and related Gy-eq unit
RBE values for neutrons from J.Wilson et al., J.Radiat.Res.,43:Suppl.,S103-S106(2002)
Fixed ion recognition from particle name for ICRP60, ICRP92 and ICRP103 curves
NIEL: added 50MeVp as additional unit
Update to geant4.9.6
added GRAS histo name to log when listing all booked histograms
New utilities to introduce fields (by Laurent Desorgher)
Added temporalily a copy of G4Scoring classes as GRASScoring
Trac wiki files now included in the SVN repository
GRAS 3.1 Release Notes¶
20 February 2012
Platforms and dependencies¶
This release has been tested on
Linux: SuSE10.3 (gcc-4.2.1), 64 bit
MacOSX Lion 64 bit
Windows7 32bit
GRAS 3.1 requires the installation of
Geant4 9.5
Optional extra packages
Histogramming package: AIDA (not for Windows)
Histogramming package: ROOT (not for Windows)
Changes since previous release¶
Adding of point detector in the Reverse/Adjoint MC mode
Adding of NewLET analysis module
Adding of geometry biasing interface
Update to geant4.9.5
Update list of available Physics List options:
for EM physics
em_standard, em_standard_opt1, em_standard_opt2, em_standard_opt3, em_standardSS, em_standard_WVI, em_standardNR, em_livermore, em_penelope, rmc_em_standard
for hadronic physics:
binary, bertini, binary_hp, bertini_hp, bertini_preco, FTFP_BERT, QBBC, QGSP_BERT, QGSP_BERT_HP, QGSP_BIC, QGSP_BIC_HP, QGSP_QMD_HP, Shielding
for ion nuclear interactions: Abrasion, Abrasion+Abilation, binary_ion, QMD_ion, incl_abla_ion, and optionally jqmd_ion
There is a possibility to use Geant4 reference Physics Lists if its name specified as 3d parameter in command line or if the environment variable MACRODEFPHYS is defined
New installation procedure based on CMAKE
GRAS 3.0 Release Notes¶
27 October 2011
Platforms and dependencies¶
This release has been tested on
Linux: SuSE10.3 (gcc-4.2.1), 64 bit
Linux: SuSE11.3 (gcc-4.2.1), 32 bit
GRAS requires the installation of
Geant4 9.4.p02
Optional extra packages
Histogramming package: AIDA implementation
Histogramming package: ROOT
Changes since previous release¶
Reverse / adjoint MC¶
The Reverse/Adjoint MC mode available in Geant4 has been now implemented into GRAS
RRMC project, L.Desorgher SpaceIT, F.Lei QinetiQ
See example/reverse_mc/simple_geo (reverse_simulation.g4mac)
Automatic normalisation
See example/normalisation/automatic_normalisation
Adding of 3D scoring with meshing (Sergio Ibarmia Huete INTA)
New Reaction analysis module
Adding of reverse/adjoint physics
Possibility of ntupling also with ROOT
Improvments of GRAS CSV output (normalised unit, …)
magnetic field modeling¶
Adding of the magnetic field model manager (MarsREM project, L.Desorgher SpaceIT)
GRAS 2.4.1 Release Notes¶
18 August 2009
Platforms and dependencies¶
This release has been tested on
Linux: SuSE10.3 (gcc-4.2.1), both 32 and 64 bit, and SLC4
GRAS requires the installation of
Geant4 9.3.beta (also tested with 9.2.p02)
Optional extra packages
GDML 2.10, alternative to the built-in GDML (GDML requires Xerces-C)
Histogramming package: AIDA implementation (tested with OpenScientist, release osc-16.8_batch_Linux-i386-gcc_424)
Histogramming package: ROOT (tested with 5.18.00)
Changes since previous release¶
pdg var changed from float to int for consistency with tuple var declaration
Fixes warnings when linking to OpenScientist
Charge collection: tuple name changed from “1” to module_name+”_charge_collection”
Fixes problems with ROOT post-processing
added QMD model for protons
new G4QMDProtonBuilder
new HadronPhysicsQGSP_QMD_HP hadronic physics, available from the UI as QGSP_QMD_HP
related test in tests/physics/hadrons/qgsp_qmd_hp.g4mac
Histo: removed extra string termination in Histogram names
Fixes problems with the ROOT hadd utility for merging of parallel jobs
GRAS 2.4 Release Notes¶
26 March 2009
Platforms and dependencies¶
This release has been tested on
Linux: SuSE10.3 (gcc-4.2.1), and SLC4
GRAS requires the installation of
Geant4 9.2 (also tested with 9.1.p02)
Optional extra packages
GDML 2.10, alternative to the built-in GDML (GDML requires Xerces-C)
Histogramming package: AIDA implementation (tested with OpenScientist, release osc-16.8_batch_Linux-i386-gcc_424)
Histogramming package: ROOT (tested with 5.18.00)
Changes since previous release¶
Upgrade of gemat geometry with delta x,y, new boxshell shape, bug fixes (with Alex Hedlund, Jyvaskula University)
Added GPS instructions (Plane,Square,direction) from to UpdateGeometry
Added method to define Firsov surfaces (UI:addFirsovSurface)
Added method ListPhysicalVolumes (UI:listPhysicalVolumes)
GDML geometry: some fixes to keep backward compatbility with the external GDML2.10 (with Fan Lei, QinetiQ)
To build GRAS with the built-in GDML(3) and Geant4 9.2, one has to define GRAS_USE_G4GDML, instead of GRAS_USE_GDML
Fluence, NIEL
added “detailed” mode for tuples (UI: detailedTuples true/false), with more variables on hit position and primary particle at primary vertex
fix to missing unit conversion for “niel” in tuple, now same as in histograms
Added flag (UI: seedsInFileName true/false) to avoid the seeds in the output filenames when autoSeed==true
Changes required to use <time.hh> on Windows system
Added charge collection efficiency parameter to depletion volumes
Added charge threshold and calculation of upset probability
GRASAnalysisModule: added getter for unit conversion factors
Dose, Fluence, NIEL, Source, PathLength
fix to tuple variable type for pdg, set to int to reflect changes in source/histo/include/Histo.hh.
All double type variables temporarily kept as float in tuples for concerns on tuple size
Normalisation factor command (/analysis/normalise) now ignores the user unit (e.g. cm2).
This fixes factor 100 discrepancy between the two cases A) no command at all and B) /analysis/normalise 1 cm2
Firsov scattering
Added G4FirsovScattering (with Valentina Fioretti, INAF Bo)
Added Firsov builder, and related UI (/gras/physics/addPhysics firsov)
Added FTFP_BERT, QBBCG Phsyics Lists
Added “em_standardICRU73” EM builder - ICRU’73 data for ion stopping on top of the default EM physics
Modified EM builders
em_standardSS - single scatering for all types
em_standardNR - ScreenedNuclearRecoil only below 100 MeV, fixed NIEL computation
em_standardIG - MuMsc for muons and hadrons,
em_standardIG - scattering is only G4WentzelVIModel (theta<0.1rad) and single scattering (theta>0.1rad)
ICRU’73 data for ions
em_standardLU - multiple scattering by G4UrbanMscModel2
c2_functions modified to be compiled with more compilers
GRASVisUtil: UI setVolumeProperty no longer updates the vis, introduced new UI (update) for this
Histo: separate methods for FillTuple for double, float, int, short, long, char, bool, string to better reflect the AIDA ITuple interface. double fillings temporarily kept as float (cast) for concerns on tuple size
GRAS 2.3 Release Notes¶
20 June 2008
Platforms and dependencies¶
This release has been tested on
Linux: SuSE10.3 (gcc-4.2.1), and SLC4
GRAS requires the installation of
Geant4 9.1 (tested with 9.1.p02)
Optional extra packages
GDML 2.10 (alternative to the built-in GDML, it requires Xerces-C)
Histogramming package: AIDA implementation (tested with iAIDA 1.0.11 with ROOT)
Histogramming package: ROOT (tested with 5.18.00)
Changes since previous release¶
added ‘gemat’ geometry type (in new source/geometry/gemat directory) (F.Lei, QinetiQ, from GEMAT)
New command /analysis/normalise, copied from equivalent command in MULASSIS, GEMAT, etc
Automatic normalisation of histograms and scalars (GRASStatDouble’s) based on user input factor and total number of events (histograms and scalars are scaled just before output, and reset as before just after the output)
bug fix (thanks to L.Desorgher, SpaceIT) in computation of normal-to-surface in GRASAnalysisManager, affecting Fluence calculations
Previous code (from MULASSIS) was using wrong affine-transformations, not applicable to generic 3D geometries
new UI command …/particleTallyMode inserted/all
new UI command …/neglectPrimaries true/false
new tuple (if particleTallyMode==all) with added fields: pdg (PDG encoding), z (atomic number), a (atomic mass)
new histograms for PDG, Z, A (if particleTallyMode==all)
same bug fix as in Fluence. Using now the new (fixed) theta-to-normal calculation from GRASAnalysisManager
Dose-Eq and Eq-Dose modules:
fix to histogramming, added booking of dose VS primary energy
New ChargeCollectionAnalysisModule (by F.Lei, QinetiQ)
Migration to Geant4 9.1
added new EM builders “em_standardSS” (single Coulomb scattering instead of msc using Wentzel model), “em_standardNR” (single scattering of ions using Vanderbuild model), “em_standardIG” (alternative msc model);
use of G4RadioactiveDecayPhysics builder
getters for main quantities, new scale factor for normalisation
preparing for new variance formula, changed totalPrimaryWeight from G4double to GRASStatDouble to keep sum_w sum_w2 etc
added atomic mass and atomic number for fluence analysis
Histo: new methods for scaling histograms and scalars (GRASStatDouble’s) for normalisation
Added methods to simplify the setting of data for individual variables instead of using an array of double.
This includes the SetVariableData/SetVariableDatum, AppendDataToRow and EndOfRow methods.
Fixed char range issue in GetMetaVariableLine; added handling of string arrays to metadata; STILL need to parse such meta data lines correctly. Modified build.bat to include debugging info.
GRAS 2.2 Release Notes¶
Platforms and dependencies¶
This release has been tested on
Linux, gcc-3.2.3
GRAS requires the installation of
Geant4 9.0.p01 (requires CLHEP
Optional extra packages
GDML 2.10 (requires Xerces-C)
AIDA implementation (e.g. iAIDA 1.0.5 or PI 1.3.12)
Changes since previous release¶
CAD/STEP interface via STViewer made obsolete, STEP to GDML conversion available through FASTRAD or ESABASE2
Charging: new unit test for charging analysis module
Charging: Fix: eventCharge !=0 (and not >0) for recording
Charging: Added tuple for charge time-series analysis
Charging: Introduced units (e and C) in histo, tuple and screen printout
GRAS 2.1 Release Notes¶
Platforms and dependencies¶
This release has been tested on + Linux, gcc-3.2.3
GRAS requires the installation of + Geant4 8.2 (requires CLHEP
Optional extra packages + GDML 2.8 (requires Xerces-C) + AIDA implementation (e.g. PI 1.3.12)
Changes since previous release¶
Migration to Geant4 9.0: 52-type EM builder removed; removed obsolete LHEP_BIC and LHEP_BERT; 71 substituted by option1; 72 substituted by option2; minor change of interfaces; number of bins in tables 180;
Added stacking action GRASnuKiller
Compatibility with iAIDA (and ROOT output through AIDA): histo and tuple names
Removed “/”,”+”,”-” characters from the Histogram IDs, substituted by “_”,”p”,”m”
Fluence: Fix to surface correction option: changed from cos(theta) to 1/cos(theta)
Dose: Added histogram of dose VS primary kinetic energy
Compatibility with iAIDA (and ROOT output through AIDA): histo and tuple names
GRAS 2.0 Release Notes¶
Platforms and dependencies¶
This release has been tested on
Linux, gcc-3.2.3
GRAS requires the installation of
Geant4 8.2 (requires CLHEP
Optional extra packages
GDML 2.8 (requires Xerces-C)
AIDA implementation (e.g. PI 1.3.12)
Changes since last release¶
GRASRunManager: add GRASStackingActionStack to run manager
GRASInfo: (Set)KineticEnergy now sets/gets the energy after the step New (Set)PreStepKineticEnergy methods for the pre-step one
GRASInfo: MomentumDirection (pre) split into 2 separate pre- and post- step mom dir variables
GRASInfo: added ThetaToNormal, computed in GRASAnalysisManager at Step() if fGeomBoundary
New GRASStringUtil class for wildcard string matching and upper- and lower-case string conversion
GRASVolumeID: wildcards in volume names
GRASVisUtil: vis properties can be assigned to groups of volumes with wildcards in volume names
GRASStatDouble: interface change: method names changed
Clear –> reset
Add –> fill
Multiply –> scale
GetMean –> mean
GetRMS –> rms
Migration to Geant4.8.2 (processes, pre-packaged physics lists)
Added option QGSP_BIC_HP
Added radioactive decay
G4HadronRElasticPhysics class is added it is equvivalent to main builder of hadron elastic physics G4HadronElasticPhysics but enegy threshold for the recoil production is zero
PhysicsLists - options to build elastic physics are extended, now following are available: “elastic”, “RElastic”, “HElastic”, “QElastic”; for “binary” and “binary_hp” Physics Lists “RElastic” option is used
G4EmStandardPhysicsBiased, G4EmStandardBiasedMessenger, G4XEMWrapperProcess - add prototype of cross section biasing
PhysicsList - add “em_standard_biased”
Added STEP interface through GDML and ST-Viewer
Added prototype of ESABASE(1) import through ES9 tellessated shapes
Upgrades in GRASGeometryUtil, GRASRegionUtil update to use wildcards in volume names
Restructuring of geometry source code in several sub-directories
Added standard internal naming of histograms (moduleName_histoName)
Added UI command to set binning by histo name (/gras/histo/setHistoByName)
Added internal 1D/2D GRAS histograms based on SSAT Histo1D/2DVar classes by P.Truscott (used for CSV output)
Added ROOT output for histograms (no tuples yet)
Filenames for AIDA, ROOT and CSV now based on unique filename stem (set via UI), plus suffix
Changed default number of bins in all modules from 1000 to 100
Added lin/log scale option choice for 1D histogram binning
Fix to 2D internal histograms (Histo2DVar): fixed tranposition of [i][j] indexing when conversion from matrix to <vector> was made.
Added specific tests for the esabase geometry
Added specific tests for the hadronic physics
Fix to Fluence module (and all other modules based on kin energy) through change to GRASInfo (global)
Kinetic energy was from pre-step, now is from track (post-step)
Debugging info from Sergio Ibarmia, Sergio Esteve et al. (INTA)
New feature for all modules: wildcards in volume names
Equivalent Dose module:
Fix: ICRP60 curve was used also when ICRP92 was selected
ICRP60 weighting factors: fixed selection of step VS continuous curve
ICRP92 weighting factors: added neutron curve
Dose analysis types
fixed CSV printout of analysis type in modules derived from “dose”
Added visualisation triggering capability to the “detector” module
Added autoSeed option based on system time for parallelisation, adapted from LISA CR charging advanced example
CSV output:
based on new internal histograms, so histos always present, also without AIDA and ROOT
added histograms for Fluence, LET and Charging analysis modules
NIEL module:
added 10MeVp, 1MeVe and 1MeVn units, updated at each NIEL curve set change
added option of enabling/disabling the pathlength correction factor (1/cosine wrt local normal), enabled by default
fix to GRASNIELCurve::GetNIELCoefficient: now using conversion factor for energy outside range
GRASNIELCurve::GetNIELCoefficient now returning zero for energy < curve energy range
added new Si, GaAs and InP curves from JPL_NRL_NASA (from Scott Messenger)
Added option of correction for effective surface (cosine wrt local normal), disabled by default for backward compatibility
Added check on theta >= 90 to avoid tallying bouncing particles (rare but possible)
Source module: added kine histogram (log by default) and CSV output
GRASAnalysisModule: added lin/log scale option to BookHisto1D()
Added FindModuleByName in GRASAnalysisManager and GRASAnalysisModuleStoreBase
GRAS 1.3 Release Notes¶
Changes since last release¶
Added capability to set visualisation properties by material
Changed UI in GRASVisUtil /gras/vis/util.
New UI:
/gras/vis/util/setVolumeProperty propertyName propertyValue criterion criterionValue
/gras/vis/util/setVolumeProperty colour red material Silicon
/gras/vis/util/setVolumeProperty visibility false name World
Added GRAS interface to PHITS in new physics module ‘jqmd_ion’ The interface requires external installation both of PHITS and of the PHITS-GEANT4 interface
Added MULASSIS type geometry model
Added new “Detector” analysis module
Added specific test for the mulassis geometry
Added specific test for the PHITS JQMD ion processes