European Space Agency

European Space Agency

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy


T.02 - (OLD) Why is the object IRIS12 not resolved ?


The IRI model is included in the library since version 1.06.

The IRI model is not distributed within the UNILIB package. Nevertheless, the 1990 version of IRI may be selected and used with the UNILIB library. The IRI-90 package may be retrieved from NSSDC’s anonymous FTP site. The UNILIB package make calls to the iris12() subroutine.

When the IRI-90 model is not needed, a dummy subroutine IRIS12 may be written to avoid warnings during the link phase (see illustration).


Listing of a dummy subroutine IRIS12:

      SUBROUTINE IRIS12 (jf, jmag, alati, along, rz12, mmdd, dhour,
   :             heibeg, heiend, heistp, outf, oarr)
C     Dummy subroutine to avoid warning during link phase
C     Subroutine IRIS12 is called by
C                 UA633, IRI-90 ionosphere
      LOGICAL*4      jf(12)
      INTEGER*4      jmag, mmdd, dhour
      REAL*4         alati, along, rz12, heibeg, heiend, heistp
      REAL*4         outf(11,50), oarr(30)

See also
