European Space Agency

European Space Agency

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy


coord_trans1 - return coordinate transformation

subroutine  coord_trans1(sysaxesin, sysaxesout, year, doy, ut, xin, xout)
  • sysaxesin [integer4,in] :: initial coordinate system index see sysaxes

  • sysaxesout [integer4,in] :: final coordinate system index see sysaxes

  • year [integer4,in] :: years for locations

  • doy [integer4,in] :: day of year for locations

  • ut [real8,in] :: universal time [s] for locations

  • xin (3) [real8,in] :: coordinates in sysaxesin

  • xout (3) [real8,out] :: coordinates in sysaxesout


Transforms the location specified by (year, doy, ut and xin) in the sysaxesin coordinate system to the sysaxesout coordinate system and returns the coordinates by xout.

IRBEM subroutine documentation

IRBEM Common argument definitions


coord_trans is deprecated in the IRBEM library, in preference to irbem_coord_trans_vec1
