Biasing options¶
With the Geant4 version 9.5 and GRAS version 3.1 several biasing options become available. Electromagnetic physics can be biased using built-in Geant4 UI commands. Below an example of of UI commands is shown which includes bremsstrahlung splitting activated in a detector region “Absorber” and Russian roulette for delta electron production in the same region.
Script example:
/process/em/setSecBiasing eBrem Absorber 10 5 MeV
/process/em/setSecBiasing eIoni Absorber 0.1 2.5 MeV
Geometry based biasing is available for planar and spherical geometries. If geometry is describe in the MULASSIS format then this type of biasing may be enabled by simple GRAS UI commands.
Script example:
# must come before /geometry/update
/gras/geom_biasing/switch true
/gras/geom_biasing/particle e-