Phase-Space Track Analysis¶
Phase-space track analysis is a special CIRSOS/GRAS module developed
under the ESA AREMBES project for the simulation of the background of
the ATHENA x-ray telescope - the ESA L2 mission of the Cosmic Vision
programme. The purpose of this analysis module is to record to an output
file the range of parameters defining individual particle tracks which
cross one or more sensitive volumes (SV) of the Geant4 geometry. These
parameters include particle type, charge, position, momentum direction
cosines, kinetic energy, physical volume, etc. In addition, details of
the primary particles generating these interactions are also recorded.
The results are stored to the ROOT file used by GRAS for analysis
output, but can then be translated into a FITS-file format by the
application [REF NEEDED].
How to define a phase-space track analysis¶
The phase-space track analysis is implemented as a standard GRAS analysis module, with the basic steps for defining such an analysis best illustrated with the G4 macro example below.
/gras/analysis/PSTrack/addModule pst1 /gras/analysis/PSTrack/pst1/addVolume vSiDetector1_PV 3 /gras/analysis/PSTrack/pst1/addVolume vSiDetector1_PV 5 /gras/analysis/PSTrack/pst1/addVolume vScintillator1_PV /gras/analysis/PSTrack/pst2/stepLength vSiDetector2_PV 1.0 nm /gras/analysis/PSTrack/pst2/stepLength vScintillator2_PV 1.0 cm /gras/analysis/PSTrack/addModule pst2 /gras/analysis/PSTrack/pst2/addVolume vSiDetector2_PV /gras/analysis/PSTrack/pst2/addVolume vScintillator2_PV /gras/analysis/PSTrack/pst1/minEvent 4000 /gras/analysis/PSTrack/pst1/maxEvent 7000 /gras/analysis/PSTrack/saveModulo 1000
Add a new module of your given name; in the above case, two PSTrack modules are added, called
.Select a physical volumes in which they are to apply. Note the next field to the volume selection box is for specifying the copy number of the volume. If omitted, all copies of the physical volume with this name are added. In the example, events will be tallied only in copies 3, 5 and 6 of physical volume
for PSTrack modulepst1
, whilst events for all copies ofvScintillator1_PV
will be tallied inpst1
and, likewise, all copies ofvSiDetector2_PV
will be used to tally events forpst2
.A minimum step length can be applied for each volume, as shown in the definition of
. By default, no details of the steps taken within the volume are recorded in the phase-space output, only the entrance and exit to the SV, or particles generated or terminated within the SV (i.e. begin-of-track and end-of-track events), as well as the details of the source particles. In the definition ofpst1
above, the end-of-step information is recorded if the distance since the last recorded step equals or exceeds 1.0 nm invSiDetector1_PV
or 1.0 cm invScintillator1_PV
. (See Note A below)User can define the minimum and maximum range of events for which phase-space information will be stored, i.e. the simulation may be run for 10,000 events, but for the case of
phase-space details are recorded for events 4,000 to 7,000.The user can define the number of events in each batch using the
command, so that after each batch the ROOT file is updated with new phase space information. This events-per-batch quantity is distinct from the save modulo information used elsewhere in GRAS, since saving PSTrack information can be very I/O-intensive. For simplicity, the same batch interval is used for all phase-space track modules. (See Note B below)
Note A¶
minimum step length
For the “minimum step length” option, currently the copy number of the volume is not used. Therefore, for multiple entries of a volume with different copy numbers, the last specification is applied for all volume+copy combinations.
Note B¶
large runs
It is recommended that for large runs, the events per batch should be set so that the total number of batches (total-events/events-per-batch) is approximately 100, and should not be significantly larger than this value. The maximum number of batches is capped by the GRAS simulation at 250.
Phase Space Track information stored in ROOT file¶
For each phase-space track module defined in the GRAS input, a set of volume information N-tuples is created within the ROOT file, together with one or more collections of phase-space track N-tuples is created giving the results of the simulation.
The volume information N-tuple set takes the name
where <moduleName> is the name
assigned by the user (pst1
or pst2
in the example above). This
contains all the information relevant to the physical volumes assigned
to the phase-space track module. This includes full information about
the parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, etc. physical volumes in
order to unambiguously identify the location of the SV within the
geometry hierarchy. The N-tuple set is recorded to the ROOT file just
before executing the first event, therefore even if no phase-space track
information is recorded, the volume information will still be saved.
Variable(s) |
Variable Type |
Comments |
Int_t |
Unique integer identifier for volume (see Note C) |
Int_t |
Level of physical volume in geometry (see Note C) |
std::string |
Physical volume name |
Int_t |
Physical volume instance ID (i.e. index of physical volume in the G4Physi calVolumeStore) |
Int_t |
Physical volume copy number |
std::string |
Name of mother physical volume |
Int_t |
Mother physical volume instance ID |
Int_t |
Mother physical volume copy number |
std::string |
Unique key identifying all antecedents (see Note C ) |
Double_t |
Coordinates for location (translation) of physical volume in mother volume [mm]. |
Double_t |
Coordinates for orientation (3D-rotation) of physical volume in mother volume. |
Note C¶
Antecedent Identification
is introduced as an index which provides a completely unique reference to a specific (sensitive) physical volume and copy number within the geometry. key is a string variable which describes the hierarchical location of the SV in the geometry. key follows the pattern “/N4.0/N3.M3/N2.M2/N1.M1/N0.M0” where the Ns are the G4 instance numbers of the physical volumes, and Ms are the copy numbers, so that volume N0.M0 is inside N1.M1 which is inside N2.M2 which is inside M3.N3 etc. In this example N4.0 would represent the world-volume of the geometry. Overall this approach is similar to a computer directory structure in both format and logic. As recent addition to treat layered mass (parallel) worlds, the level of each physical volume in the geometry is identified withlevel
=0 indicating the Mother mass geometry and negative levels indicating the top level of each of the parallel worlds (level
=-1 for the first layered mass world,level
=-2 the second layered mass world, etc).
Phase-space track information N-tuple sets have the
name(s) <moduleName>_tuple_PSTrack_<IB>
where <IB>
is the event batch
number (starting at zero). This N-tuple contains the particle parameter
data including particle name, SV, position, momentum direction cosine,
kinetic energy, etc. To improve efficiency of writing the phase-space
information, the data are saved in <IB>
batches, and the user can
control the number of events per batch as discussed in the previous
The table below describes the fields within the phase-space track N-tuple. Each record in the collection corresponds to one of the following types of event (see subsequent table, “N-tuple for ROOT phase-space track information record types”):
Begin of event, identifying the properties of the primary particle.
Particle entering a sensitive volume (SV);
Particle leaving a SV;
New Geant4 track within the SV (e.g. secondary particle production in SV);
End of Geant4 track in the SV (e.g. particle slows and stops in SV);
Geant4 step within the SV.
Variable(s) |
Variable type |
Comments |
std::string |
Definition of type of record (N-tuple); options are defined in the next table. |
Int_t |
Geant4 index for event |
Int_t |
Geant4 index for track in current event; set to -1 if particle is a source and simulation has not yet started. |
Int_t |
Geant4 index
for the step;
set to: -1 if
Int_t |
Index for the
source vertex
>=0 if
Int_t |
Index for
generated at
std::string |
Conventional Geant4 name for particle. |
Int_t |
Geant4 PDG code for particle type. |
Int_t |
Atomic number of ion. |
Int_t |
Nucleon number of ion. |
Double_t |
Charge of particle. |
Double_t |
Excitation energy of ion [MeV]. |
Double_t |
Statistical weight of particle. |
Double_t |
Kinetic energy of particle [MeV]. |
Double_t |
Global time associated with current particle step [s]. |
Double_t |
Particle position in global frame (World physical volume) [mm]. |
Double_t |
Particle position in local frame (current physical volume) [mm]. |
Double_t |
Particle momentum direction cosines. |
Double_t |
deposition for
the track
within a SV
[MeV]; set to
0.0 if
std::string |
Name of physical process which has created particle; set to “SOURCE” if the track has no parent. |
Int_t |
Geant4 index for track of the parent; set to -1 if the track has no parent. |
Int_t |
Geant4 PDG code for parent particle type; set to 0 if track has no parent. |
Double_t |
Kinetic energy of parent particle at the time of its creation [MeV]; set to 0.0 if track has no parent. |
Double_t |
Kinetic energy of parent particle at pre-step point just prior to creation of the current particle [MeV]; set to 0.0 if track has no parent. |
Int_t |
Unique integer
identifier for
(corresponds to
the index used
in the first
row of previous
table); set to
-1 if
std::string |
physical volume
name; set to
D Int_t |
physical volume
instance ID,
i.e. index of
physical volume
in the
set to -1 if
Int_t |
Copy number for
volume; set to
-1 if
std::string |
Name of mother
physical volume
for the current
volume; set to
Int_t |
Mother physical
volume instance
ID; set to -1
Int_t |
Mother physical
volume copy
number; set to
-1 if
Note the following regarding the above table:
may be considered superfluous given the PDG code for the particle is supplied. However, for now these fields are included to allow easy reading of the data.PVname
as well asmPVname
are not strictly necessary since uniqueID can be cross-referenced to the volume information N-tuple. Once again, these fields are retained for now to allow the data to be more readily understood.pTrackID
, andpKE
(the parent particle ID, species, and kinetic energy, respectively) are repeated for each instance of the daughter track reported in the phase-space file. This is a little inefficient in terms of storage but has been done to avoid making the ROOT (and subsequent FITS) file structure too complicated.
Definition |
Source particle prior to definition of track or any geometry navigation is performed. |
Track enters one of the PVs associated with the module. |
Track leaves PV. |
New track is created within the PV, e.g. particle created through interaction. |
Track ends in PV, e.g. particle comes to rest. |
Particle takes a step in the volume. |
Parent particle parameters¶
Each phase-space track record in the ROOT file includes the parent
particle PDG code (pPDGEncoding
) and the parent particle’s kinetic
energies at the time of the parent’s creation (porigKE
) and just
prior to the creation of the tracked particle (pKE
). For pKE
the energy is recorded at the pre-step point of the parent before the
discrete or continuous interaction process. If the tracked particle is a
primary and therefore has no parent, pPDGEncoding
is set to 0 and
and pKE
are both set to 0.0.
Energy deposition (Edep
) information¶
Each phase-space track tuple includes energy deposition information
along a particle track as a function of sensitive volume. The field is
, and provides the cumulative energy deposition (in MeV) to the
SV as a function of the track’s step. Note the following:
The energy deposition is taken from the
class, which it is understood comes from theG4Step::!GetTotalEnergyDeposit
deposit member function. GRAS does not traditionally retain the information from non-ionising energy deposition along the step as well within the GRASinfo class or withinGRASAnalysisManager
, and therefore as a minor correction for the further deduction of the non-ionising energy from the step could also be included after discussion with ESA and other GRAS maintainers.The energy is cumulative, that is if track N passes through SV!#1 for the first time it’s energy deposition starts at 0 MeV and increases to E1 when it leaves. If it then passes through another SV (SV!#2) the energy deposition will start at zero and increase to E2 when it leaves. If the track then re-enters SV!#1, the energy deposition will start from E1 and increase until the particle leaves or stops.
At the end of the event, the energy deposition in the SV from all tracks will equal the total KE of particles in the event which entered the SV minus the total KE of particles leaving the SV. A verification has been performed of this, in it appears accurate to within 10-12 MeV.