make_lstar_shell_splitting1 - Compute magnetic coordinates¶
- subroutine make_lstar_shell_splitting1(ntime, nipa, kext, options, sysaxes, year, doy, ut, xin1, xin2, xin3, alpha, maginput, lm, lstar, blocal, bmin, xj, mlt)¶
- Parameters:
ntime [integer4,in] :: number of locations
nipa [integer4,in] :: number of pitch angles per location (max=25)
kext [integer4,in] :: external magnetic field model number
options (5) [integer4,in] :: control options for calculation
sysaxes [integer4,in] :: coordinate system index see sysaxes
year (ntime_max) [integer4,in] :: years for locations
doy (ntime_max) [integer4,in] :: day of year for locations
ut (ntime_max) [real8,in] :: universal time [s] for locations
xin1 (ntime_max) [real8,in] :: 1st coordinate according to sysaxes
xin2 (ntime_max) [real8,in] :: 2nd coordinate according to sysaxes
xin3 (ntime_max) [real8,in] :: 3rd coordinate according to sysaxes
alpha (nipa) [real8,in] :: pitch-angle at location [degrees]
maginput (25,ntime_max) [real8,in] :: magnetic field inputs
lm (ntime_max,25) [real8,out] :: McIlwain L shell [Earth radii]
lstar (ntime_max,25) [real8,out] :: Roederer Lstar [Earth radii]
blocal (ntime_max,25) [real8,out] :: magnetic field magnitude [nT]
bmin (ntime_max,25) [real8,out] :: mirror point magnetic field magnitude [nT]
xj (ntime_max,25) [real8,out] :: I, related to 2nd adiabatic invariant [Earth radii]
mlt (ntime_max,25) [real8,out] :: magnetic local time [hours]
- For each coordinate specified by (
) the magnetic field parameters are returned:
McIlwain L [Earth Radii]
Roederer L* [Earth Radii]
local magnetic field magnitude [nT]
mirror point magnetic field magnitude [nT]
I [Earth radii]
Magnetic Local Time [hours]
See Control Options.