European Space Agency¶

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy¶

General Questions:¶
- G.01 - What is the purpose of the library?
- G.02 - Where to find the UNILIB library and documentation ?
- G.03 - Deprecated.
- G.04 - (OLD) How to install the IRI model?
- G.05 - What are the coordinates and units used ?
- G.06 - How to start using the UNILIB library ?
- G.07 - Does a similar software or library exist ?
- G.08 - How is a drift shell defined ?
- G.09 - How to quickly evaluate the capabilities of the UNILIB library ?
- G.10 - Are the Tsyganenko Models included?
Technical Questions:¶
- T.01 - How to build the UNILIB library?
- T.02 - (OLD) Why is the object IRIS12 not resolved ?
- T.03 - How to customize the magnetic field model used by the library ?
- T.04 - Why are Roederer’s L* and McIlwain’s L parameters different ?
- T.05 - How to pass correctly the subroutine arguments in IDL ?
- T.06 - What is the precision of the field line tracing algorithm ?
- T.07 - Which subroutines are mandatory?
- T.08 - (OLD) How to link the library in IDL/PV-WAVE ?
- T.09 - (OLD) What about a Linux version of the library ?
- T.10 - (OLD) How to call the library from a Win32 application ?
Reported bugs¶
Bugs are reported and tracked via UNILIB/TRAC
Historical bugs:
26-Aug-97, v1.05, R.01 - Anomalous return of subroutine
with error code -4110827-Aug-97, v1.05,
: Malfunction when field line extended to foot points10-Sep-97, v1.06, R.02 - Erroneous behaviour of most of the external magnetic field models
24-Oct-97, v1.07,
: Erroneous behaviour of the coordinate transformations relative to GSM and MAG coordinate systems18-Dec-97, v1.11, R.03 - Malfunction of subroutine
14-Dec-98, v2.00,
: Lack of accuracy for low values of I20-Jan-98, v2.00,
: Error in the interpolation algorithm and inaccurate evaluation of the point with the lowest altitude