European Space Agency¶

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy¶

ud310 - trace a magnetic drift shell¶
- subroutine ud310(fbm0, flm0, falt, knfl, ktyplus, ifail)¶
- Parameters:
fbm0 [real8,in] :: Magnetic field intensity at mirror point Bm
flm0 [real8,in] :: McIlwain’s parameter Lm
falt [real8,in] :: Boundary condition on the altitude
knfl [integer4,in] :: number of lines to be traced
ktyplus [integer4,in] :: Controlling parameter
ifail [integer4,out] :: error flag (see Diagnostics)
The subroutine
traces a magnetic drift shell. The drift shell is defined as a set of magnetic field line segments where all the segments are characterized by the same shell parameter and the same mirror-point magnetic field intensity. The values of the shell parameter and magnetic field intensity are fixed by the argumentsflm0
, respectively. The argumentknfl
defines the number of field line segments to be traced. The algorithm of subroutineud310()
and its dependents is such that the points where the magnetic field intensity is minimum on each of theknfl
segments are equally spaced in longitude. The argumentsfalt
are passed to the subroutinesuf410()
, respectively. As a result:
is greater than -500, the foot points of each magnetic field line segment are computed for the altitude defined by the value in km offalt
. Otherwise the foot points are not computed;for each magnetic field line segment computed, the part of the segment transferred in the common blocks
is function of the value ofktyplus
(see table below).
ktyplus |
Description |
1 |
All the field line segments are completely transferred. When falt >-500, it includes the foot points and also the intermediate points on the field line situated below the mirror points and above the foot prints. |
2 |
For each field line segment, only the points comprised between the mirror points are transferred. When falt >-500, the foot points of the segment are transferred but not the intermediate points between them and the mirror points. |
3 |
The only points transferred from each field line segment are the mirror points, the point with the lowest magnetic field intensity and the foot points when falt >-500. |
The option
can be used when only information is related to the mirror, equatorial or foot points. It cannot be used if all the points along the drift shell are needed, e.g. to evaluate drift shell averaged atmospheric density.
Heynderickx, D., Kruglanski, M. and Lemaire, J.F., A new tool for calculating drift shell averaged atmospheric density, in Radiation belts: models and standards, edited by Heynderickx, D., Lemaire, J.F. and Baker, D.N. (1996) 173-178
Since version 2.00, the subroutine ud317()
has been introduced as an alternative to subroutine ud310()
. Although the algorithms of both subroutines are similar, the subroutine ud317()
seems to be more efficient. FORTRAN programs using subroutine ud310()
can be adapted by the insertion of the following lines:
C to be included in the declaration part
TYPE(zlbl) mlab0
REAL*8 altmin
C to replace the calling sequence
C CALL UD310 (fbm0, flm0, falt, knfl, ktyplus, ifail)
mlab0%lbmp = .TRUE.
mlab0%llmi = .TRUE.
mlab0%linv = .FALSE.
mlab0%fbmp = fbm0
mlab0%flmi = flm0
CALL UD317 (mlab0, falt, ktyplus, altmin, ifail)
Common Blocks¶
Called by¶
See also¶