European Space Agency

European Space Agency

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy


uc130 - magnetic field line segments

type  uc130


INCLUDE 'unilib.h'

COMMON /UC130/ nbrsg, kursg, mseg

INTEGER*4   nbrsg, kursg
TYPE(zseg)  mseg(nx130)



Number of elementary segments already computed


Indice of the current elementary segment


Set of elementary field line segments (zseg)


The common block uc130 is part of a set of three common blocks:

  • uc110, magnetic drift shell description;

  • uc120, magnetic field line description;

  • uc130, set of magnetic field line segments.

This set of common blocks is used to store a magnetic drift shell which is defined by a set of magnetic field line segments. The common block uc130 includes the whole set of elementary segments of the magnetic drift shell: each magnetic field line segment is described by a set of elementary segments.

As sample, the first magnetic field segment of the drift shell is stored in the argument mseg from index mfl(k1st)%ind%jbeg to mfl(k1st)%ind%jend. The geographic position of the southern mirror point of this field line segment is stored in mseg(mfl(k1st)%ind%jmirps)%beg%coord. Note that the common block uc170 has a similar structure (argument mele).


Used by

Modified by

See also


