European Space Agency

European Space Agency

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy


uc170 - temporary magnetic field line

type  uc170


INCLUDE 'unilib.h'

COMMON /UC170/ nsg, kgp, mlab, mlin, mele

INTEGER*4   nsg, kgp
TYPE(zlbl)  mlab
TYPE(zfln)  mlin
TYPE(zseg)  mele(nx170)



Number of elementary segment already computed


Indice of the current elementary segment


Label of the field line segment (zlbl)


Global description of the field line segment (zfln)


Set of the elementary field line segments (zseg(nx170) )


The common block uc170 provides a way to store a magnetic field line segment. The magnetic field line segment is defined as a set of elementary segments. The elementary segments are stored in the argument mele of the common block. The arguments mlab and mlin are used to store general information on the magnetic field line segments. The description of an elementary segment includes:

  • a start point defined by its geographic position, mele()%beg%coord;

  • the magnetic field vector at this point, mele()%beg%b;

  • the local radius of curvature of the magnetic field line, mele()%beg%rcurv;

  • the arc length along the magnetic field line from a fixed point to the start point mele()%arcl;

  • the cosine of the local pitch-angle of any particle mirroring at the magnetic field intensity mlab%fbmp, mele()%csalp;

  • the intermediate values of the magnetic field intensity obtained during the Runge-Kutta step, mele()%rkstp.

The pointers of the argument mlin correspond to the first and last segments of the field line segment (mlin%ind%jbeg and mlin%ind%jend) and to both mirror points (mlin%ind%jmirpn and mlin%ind%jmirps).

Note that a similar structure is used with the common blocks uc110, uc120, and uc130.


Used by

Modified by

See also



