European Space Agency¶

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy¶

ul220 - get information on a magnetic field line segment¶
- subroutine ul220(mpos, alpha, nfbm, fbm, flm, fkm, fsm, fbeq, fs, ifail)¶
- Parameters:
mpos [zgeo,in] :: Geographic location (GEO)
alpha (nfbm) [real8,in] :: local pitch angles
nfbm [integer4,in] :: number of pitch angles
fbm (nfbm) [real8,out] :: Magnetic field intensity at the mirror points
flm (nfbm) [real8,out] :: McIlwain’s shell parameter
fkm (nfbm) [real8,out] :: Kaufman parameter K
fsm (nfbm) [real8,out] :: Arc length of the field line segment between the mirror points
fbeq [real8,out] :: Lowest magnetic field intensity along the field line
fs (nfbm) [real8,out] :: Arc length of the field line segment from the northern mirror point to
ifail [integer4,out] :: error flag (see Diagnostics)
The subroutine
computes magnetic coordinates such as Bm and L associated to a magnetic field line segment passing through the geographic positionmpos
. The subroutine accepts as input a list of local pitch angles (alpha
). The values set in the argumentalpha
must be sorted by increasing order (from 0 to 90 degree). The magnetic field line passing through the positionmpos
is traced until all the mirror points are encountered. For each value of argumentalpha
, a pair of mirror points are determined and the corresponding argumentsfbm
are evaluated.
Some errors may occur during the process for a subset of local pitch angles. As far as possible, the subroutine ul220()
does not stop on these errors and continues the process for the other pitch angle values. As a trace of such an error, the corresponding value of argument flm
is set to a negative value. The list of possible errors are given in the table below.
Value of flm |
error diagnostic |
-1 |
The magnetic field line reaches too high geomagnetic latitude (see diagnostic -53003) |
-2 |
The magnetic field crosses the magnetopause (see diagnostic -53301) |
-3 |
The reached magnetic field intensity is outside valid limits (see diagnostic -53002) |
-4 |
Maximum number of steps along the magnetic field line has been reached (see diagnostic -42009) |
-5 |
The magnetic field line goes too deep inside the Earth (see diagnostics -53001 and -53004) |
-6 |
Out of allocated memory (see diagnostics -42301 and -42401) |
-7 |
The magnetic field line pass through a local maximum |
-8 |
An error occurred in the interpolation routine (see diagnostics -428** and -426**) |
-9 |
An error occurred in the evaluation of I (see diagnostics -230** and -240**) |
-10 |
Not documented |
Heynderickx, D., Lemaire, J., and Daly, E.J., Historical review of the different procedures used to compute the L parameter, Aeronomica Acta A-Nb 380 (1994), J. Nuclear Tracks Radiat. Meas. (1995)
McIlwain, C.E., Coordinates for mapping the distribution of magnetically trapped particles, JGR 66 (1961) 3681-3691
Roederer, J.G., Dynamics of geomagnetically trapped radiation, Springer-Verlag (1970)
In version 2.02 in earlier, some L values are not evaluated when more than one local pitch angle is requested.
-22001, Invalid value of alpha
-22002, Values of alpha are not increasing or invalid values
-22003, Do not find a pair of mirror points
-22004, Unable to trace correctly the field line segment
Common Blocks¶
Called by¶
See also¶
Reported Bugs¶