European Space Agency¶

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy¶

uf411 - search a local magnetic equator¶
- subroutine uf411(glon, radius, rmin, rmax, gsclat, fbm, mpeq, ml, ifail)¶
- Parameters:
glon [real8,in] :: Equatorial longitude
radius [real8,in/out] :: Equatorial radius
rmin [real8,in/out] :: Minimum radius
rmax [real8,in/out] :: Maximum radius
gsclat [real8,in] :: guessed equatorial co-latitude
fbm [real8,in] :: magnetic field intensity at the mirror points
mpeq [zpnt,out] :: Equatorial location
ml [zlbl,out] :: Magnetic field line segment descriptor
ifail [integer4,out] :: error flag (see Diagnostics)
The subroutine
searches iteratively a local magnetic equator for a given longitude and a fixed range of geocentric radius. The local magnetic equator is identified as a point where a magnetic field line segment passing through the point has its minimum of the magnetic field intensity at this point. Note that this definition of a local magnetic equator depends on the value of the magnetic field intensity Bm at the mirror points chosen to trace the magnetic field line segment.As input, the subroutine accepts the arguments
. To find a local magnetic equator, the geocentric radius can be modified in the range [rmin
] as well as that the equatorial co-latitude can be changed. Note that the solution is not unique. As output, the subroutine returns the argumentsradius
. The argumentrmin
) can be only increased (decreased, resp.) by subroutineuf411()
-41101, -41102, -41103, cannot find the minimum of B
-41104, problem to trace a field line, too many points
-41105, problem to evaluate the integral invariant
-41106, problem to trace a field line
-41107, too many iterations
-41108, problem to trace a field line, RK integration
-41110, problem to find the local magnetic equator
-41111, -41112, -41113, -41114, computation aborted after 10 iterations
Common Blocks¶
Called by¶
See also¶
Reported Bugs¶
26-Aug-97 (v1.05), Anomalously return of subroutine
with error code -41108