European Space Agency¶

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy¶

ext530 - set of external magnetic field models¶
- subroutine ext530()¶
This package includes subroutines to evaluate the external magnetic field models:
Mead & Fairfield [1], subroutine
;Tsyganenko short [6], subroutine
;Tsyganenko long [6], subroutine
;Tsyganenko [7] (T89c), subroutine
;Olson & Pfitzer quiet [3], subroutine
;Olson & Pfitzer dynamic [5], subroutine
;Tsyganenko [8], subroutine
.Ostapenko & Maltsev [4], subroutine
.In the UNILIB library, the codes of the implemented models have been modified in order to make them clearer and to correct small mistakes. These modifications were made by
Mead & Fairfield¶
The Mead & Fairfield [1] model was obtained by a least-square-fit to 12616 vector field measurements from 451 orbits of four IMP satellites between 1966 and 1972. The model depends on four levels of magnetic activity parameterized by Kp. The model was developed by
D.H. FairfieldNASA/GSFC, Code 695 GreenbeltMaryland 20771, USA
The Tsyganenko magnetic field models are based on a large number of satellite observations (IMP, HEOS) covering the period 1966 to 1980. The models are obtained from 36682 data points for several levels of magnetic disturbance parameterized by Kp. The Tsyganenko [6] model is provided as a ‘long’ and a ‘short’ versions. The Tsyganenko [7] model T89c is tilt dependent and was primarily developed as a tail model. The Tsyganenko [8] model has an explicitly defined realistic magnetopause, large-scale Region 1 and 2 Birkeland current systems, and the IMF penetration across the boundary. The models may be retrieved from https://geo.phys.spbu.ru/~tsyganenko/empirical-models/ and were developed by
N.A. Tsyganenko (n.tsyganenko@spbu.ru)Department of Earth’s PhysicsUniversity of St.-PetersburgPetrodvoretzSt.-Petersburg 198504Russian Federation
The Tsyganenko models are distributed under a GNU GPLv3 licence. This licence is incompatible with the UNILIB licence.
Olson & Pfitzer¶
The Olson & Pfitzer [2] is an average model fit to quiet conditions using data from OGO 3, 5 and Explorer 33, 35. There are no parameters for this model. The dynamic model [5] is a scalable model dependending upon the activity level but without a tilt dependence. The scale factor are determined by the activity index \(D_{st}\) and the standoff distance of the magnetopause obtained by the solar wind density and velocity. These models were developed by
K.A. Pfitzer and W.P. OlsonMcDonnell Douglas Company, Code A3-208, Mail Stop 13/35301 Bolsa Avenue, Huntington BeachCalifornia 92647, USA
Ostapenko & Maltsev¶
The Ostapenko & Maltsev [4] model was obtained by a least-square-fit of fourth-order polynomials to 14000 vector field measurements from the database of Fairfield et al. [9]. The model depends on the \(D_{st}\) and \(K_p\) indices, as well as on the solar wind dynamic pressure and the z component of the interplanetary magnetic field. The model can be retrieved from
In version 1.06 and earlier of the library, most of the external magnetic field models do not work properly under HPUX, SunOS and DEC/OSF (see R.02). The model of Tsyganenko [8] (subroutine T96_01) is not included in version 1.06 and earlier of the library. The model of Ostapenko & Maltsev [4] (subroutine BOM97) is not included in version 1.11 and earlier of the library. (subroutine BOM97). Since version 2.02, the Tsyganenko model T89c is implemented instead of the version T89a.
REAL*8 xx, yy, zz, tilt, abx, aby, abz
CALL MEAD (xx, yy, zz, tilt, kp, abx, aby, abz)
REAL*8 x, y, z, ps, bx, by, bz
INTEGER*4 iopt
CALL TSY87S (iopt, ps, x, y, z, bx, by, bz)
REAL*8 x, y, z, ps, bx, by, bz
INTEGER*4 iopt
CALL TSY87L (iopt, ps, x, y, z, bx, by, bz)
REAL*8 parmod(10), ps, x, y, z, bx, by, bz
INTEGER*4 iopt
CALL T89C (iopt, parmod, ps, x, y, z, bx, by, bz)
REAL*8 x, y, z, tilt, abx, aby, abz
CALL BXYZMU (x, y , z, tilt, abx, aby, abz)
REAL*8 x, y, z, tilt, abx, aby, abz
REAL*8 den, vel, dst
CALL BDYN (den, vel, dst, x, y, z, abx, aby, abz)
REAL*8 parmod(10), ps, x, y, z, bx, by, bz
INTEGER*4 iopt
CALL T96_01 (iopt, parmod, ps, x, y, z, bx, by, bz)
REAL*8 dst, pdyn, fkp, bimfz, r(3), b(3), sn
CALL SET_A (dst, pdyn, fkp, bimfz, sn)
CALL BOM97 (r, b)
The subroutine BDYN makes use of the subroutines and functions that are listed in the table below
- Subroutines
- Functions
The subroutine bom97 makes use of the common block and subroutines that are listed in the table below
- common block
- subroutines
See also¶