European Space Agency

European Space Agency

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy


ua633 - IRI-90 ionosphere

subroutine  ua633(mgde, nsp, ksp, dens, tmpi, tmpe, ifail)
  • mgde [zgeo,in] :: geographic location (geodetic coordinates)

  • nsp [integer4,in] :: number of species

  • ksp (nsp) [integer4,in] :: list of species codes

  • dens (30) [real8,out] :: number density (see note of ua630())

  • tmpi [real8,out] :: ionic temperature

  • tmpe [real8,out] :: electron temperature

  • ifail [integer4,out] :: error flag (see Diagnostics)


The subroutine ua633() interfaces the UNILIB library with the ionospheric model IRI-90. The subroutine includes also a plasmaspheric extension of the model. The species included in the model are H+, He+, N+, O+, NO+ and O+2 (code 20, 21, 23, 24, 27 and 28, respectively). The subroutine makes use of the arguments matm.ut, matm.rzss, matm.fkpx and kflag() of common block uc150. The indices 27 to 39 of argument kflag are used to control the IRI-90 model. The argument matm.fkpx is used only in the plasmaspheric extension. Note that the different arguments of common block uc150 can be initialized with the help of subroutine ua610().


  • Bilitza, D., International Reference Ionosphere 1990, NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S 90-20 (1990)


  • In version 2.00 and earlier, the local time was improperly passed to the IRI model.

  • From version 2.01, the argument kflag(39) has been introduced to control if the IRI model either has to depend on the Sun spot numbers (default) or on the F10.7 radio flux.


  • -63301, illegal species code

  • -63302, component not allowed in the model

Common Blocks


Called by


See also

Reported Bugs



