European Space Agency

European Space Agency

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy


uc140 - magnetic field

type  uc140


INCLUDE 'unilib.h'

COMMON /UC140/ mint, mext, msun

TYPE(zimf) mint
TYPE(zsun) msun
TYPE(zemf) mext



Description of the geomagnetic field model (zimf)


Description of the external magnetic field model(zemf)


Sun position (zsun)


The common block uc140 contains the description of magnetic field model used by the subroutine um530(). The common may be initialized with the two subroutines um510() and um520(). The subroutine um510() allows to select a geomagnetic field model and initializes the mint argument. The subroutine um520() is used to select an external magnetic field model and initializes the arguments mext and msun. Since the subroutine um520() uses the values of the two arguments mint%colat and mint%elong, the subroutine um510() has to be previously called.

The subroutine um522() and the subroutine um523() or um524() may be used to modify the arguments msun and mext%trans for a new date and time. The subroutine um523() has to be used with the different Tsyganenko models, and the subroutine um524() otherwise.

Except for the subroutines which computes the magnetic field vector, the common block uc140 generally is used to obtain the geographic colatitude and east longitude of boreal earth dipole pole (mint%colat and mint%elong, respectively) or its magnetic moment (mint%gmmo).


Used by

Modified by

See also



