European Space Agency

European Space Agency

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy


uc120 - magnetic field line

type  uc120


INCLUDE 'unilib.h'

COMMON /UC120/ nbrfl, kurfl, mfl

INTEGER*4   nbrfl, kurfl
TYPE(zfln)  mfl(nx120)



Number of field lines already computed


Indice of the current field line


Description of the field line segments. Each indice corresponds to a field line. (zfln(nx120))


The common block uc120 is part of a set of three common blocks:

  • uc110, magnetic drift shell description;

  • uc120, magnetic field line description;

  • uc130, set of magnetic field line segments.

This set of common blocks is used to store a magnetic drift shell which is defined by a set of magnetic field line segments. The common block uc120 includes a global description of each field line segment as well as indices which points into the common block uc130.

The argument nbrfl indicates the number of magnetic field line segments included in the drift shell. For each segment, the geographic positions of the local magnetic equator (mfl%equat, and eventually of the foot points, mfl%footpn, mfl%footps), pointers to the eastern next and western previous segments (mfl%keast, mfl%kwest) and pointers to argument mseg of the common block uc130 (mfl%ind) are included in the description of each field line segment. The geographic position of the mirror points can be retrieved with the help of the pointers mfl%ind%jmirpn and mfl%ind%jmirps. Note that the common block uc170 has a similar structure (argument mlin).


Used by

Modified by

See also


