European Space Agency

European Space Agency

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy


ut990 - initialize the UNILIB library

subroutine  ut990(kunit, kinit, iver)
  • kunit [integer4,in] :: File unit for output (see Note)

  • kinit [integer4,in] :: Control parameter (default=1).

  • iver [integer4,out] :: Current UNILIB version.


The subroutine ut990() initializes the different common blocks of the UNILIB library and displays the value of different constants. To generate a complete initialisation, the argument kinit has to be set to a positive value, e.g. 1. A single common block can be initialized by using a negative value for the argument kinit. To only initialize (or reset) the common block UCddd, the argument kinit has to be set to the value -ddd, i.e. -110, -120, -130, -140, -150, -160, -170, -190 or -192. When the argument is set to an other negative value, none of the common blocks are initialized.

As output, the subroutine returns the current library version in the argument iver.

The values assigned to the arguments of the different common blocks are displayed in the table below (the floating values are only given with 6 significant digits).

Common Block UC110:
  • mlbl = not init.

  • k1st = -1

  • klmp = -1

Common block UC120
  • nbrfl = 0 =

  • kurfl = -1

  • mfl(*) = not init.

Common block UC130
  • nbrsg = 0

  • kursg = -1

  • mseg(*) = not init.

Common block UC140
  • mint = init. by UM510

  • mext = init. by UM520

  • msun = init. by UM520

Common block UC150
  • matm = init. by UA610

  • ntspec = -1

  • nnspec = -1

  • kspec(*) = init. by UA610

  • kflag(1…50) = 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

Common block UC160
  • pi = 3.14159

  • deg = 0.0174533

  • re = 6371.2

  • gmagmo = 0.311653

  • eclipt = 23.4415

  • geoid(1…3) = 6378.16, 1.00674, 0.00673970

  • uma(1…30) = 1.6604 10-24, 6.6416 10-24, 33.208 10-24, 66.416 10-24, 139.47410-24, 217.512 10-24, 3.3208 10-24, 46.4912 10-24, 53.1328 10-24, 46.4912 10-24, 73.0576 10-24, 28.2268 10-24, 26.5664 10-24, 0, 0, 28.2268 10-24, 23.2456 10-24, 0, 9.1091 10-28, 1.6604 10-24, 6.6416 10-24, 19.9248 10-24, 23.2456 10-24, 26.5664 10-24, 32.208 10-24, 46.4912 10-24, 49.812 10-24, 53.1328 10-24, 0, 0

Common block UC170
  • nsg = 0

  • kgp = -1

  • mlab = not init.

  • mlin = not init.

  • mele(*) = not init.

Common block UC190
  • prop = 0.2

  • stepx = 0.075

  • stpmin = 2.0

  • umsq = 0.292893

  • upsq = 1.70711

  • uk2 = -1.0

  • uk3 = 0.757359

  • epskm = 0.2

  • epsrel = 6.0 10-6

  • stplst = 15.0

  • xclat = not init.

  • kmflg = 0

  • kum533 = 1

Common block UC192
  • xrmin = 1000.0

  • xbmin = 0.00004

  • xtmin = 0.984808

  • xbmax = 1000000.0

  • epslon = 0.05

  • epsfl = 0.001

  • fvet = 0.65

  • pvet = 3.452

  • epsomeg = 0.008

  • dltlat = 1.0


The argument kunit is used to specify a FORTRAN file unit for the output displayed by the subroutine. When the argument is set to a value less or equal to zero, the prints from the subroutine are not executed. Commonly when the file unit is set to 6, the output are displayed on the screen (i.e. on the standard output). The FORTRAN statement OPEN has to be used to specify a file name as illustrated below:

OPEN( unit=3, file='result.txt', status='new' )
CALL UT990( 3, 1, IVER )
CLOSE( 3 )


  • In version 1.10 and earlier, some arguments of common blocks uc190 and uc192 received other values at the initialisation. In common block uc190, the argument nxstp was defined instead of argument kum533. The old values are listed in the table below.

Old values (version 1.10 and earlier)













  • From version 2.01, the argument kflag(39) of common block uc150 is active and initialized to 1.

  • The initialisation of a single common block (kinit = -110, -120, -130, -140, -150, -160, -170, -190 or -192) is only implemented since version 2.03


  • -99001, error on output device

Common Blocks


Called by




See also


Reported Bugs


