European Space Agency

European Space Agency

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy


Ex #3. Evaluation of the third invariant


Evaluation of the third invariant of a magnetic drift shell labeled by a pair of (Bm, Lm) parameters. The magnetic field is described with the help of the DGRF/IGRF 1995 geomagnetic model.

The program contains three parts: the initialisation of the library and the magnetic model [ut990(), um510() and um520()], the tracing of the magnetic drift shell, ud310(), and the evaluation of the third invariant, ud330(). Note that subroutine ud317() can be used instead of subroutine ud310() (see note).

In this example the drift shell parameters are set to \(B_m\) = 0.19 Gauss and \(L_m\) = 2. The foot points of the magnetic drift shell in the Northern hemisphere are shown on the lefthand panel of the figure below. The crosses indicate the points used to evaluate the magnetic flux. In this case, the third invariant is equal to 3.8×107 Gauss km2 which corresponds to L* = 2.07. The righthand panel of the figure shows the foot points in the Southern hemisphere.


The the foot points of the drift shell are stored in the common block uc120 [arguments mfl().footpn and mfl().footps].

Footprints of the magnetic drift shell plotted on polar maps of the Earth.

Footprints of the magnetic drift shell.


C                                                                                   #
C (C) Copyright European Space Agency, 2020                                         #
C                                                                                   #
C This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in file 'LICENCE.txt',   #
C which is part of this source code package. No part of the package, including      #
C this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except             #
C according to the terms contained in the file 'LICENCE.txt'.                       #
C                                                                                   #
C This file forms part of the UNILIB application, available from the                #
C European Space Software Repository (ESSR):                  #
C                                                                                   #

      PROGRAM example3
      INCLUDE 'ext530.h'
      INCLUDE 'unilib.h'
      INTEGER*4    kunit, kinit, ifail, kint, kext
      CHARACTER*32 lbint, lbext
      REAL*8       year, param(10), amjd
      INTEGER*4    knfl, ktyplus
      REAL*8       fbm0, flm0, falt, phi, star
C     initialize variables
      DATA kunit, kinit/ 6, 1/
      DATA kint, kext/ KINT_IGRF, KEXT_NONE/
      DATA year, param, amjd/ 1995.d0, 10*0.0d0, 0.0d0/
C     initialize the library
      CALL UT990 (kunit, kinit, ifail)
      IF( ifail .LT. 0 )STOP
C     set the geomagnetic field model
C     (kint=0, DGRF/IGRF)
      CALL UM510 (kint, year, lbint, kunit, ifail)
      IF( ifail .LT. 0 )STOP
C     set no external magnetic field model
      CALL UM520 (kext, amjd, param,
     :           lbext, kunit, ifail)
      IF( ifail .LT. 0 )STOP
C     trace the drift shell
      fbm0          =    0.19d0
      flm0          =    2.0d0
      falt          =    0.0d0
      knfl          =   60
      ktyplus       =    3
      CALL UD310 (fbm0, flm0, falt, knfl, 
     :           ktyplus, ifail)
      IF( ifail .LT. 0 )STOP
C     evaluate the third invariant
      CALL UD330 (phi, star, ifail) 
      IF( ifail .LT. 0 )STOP
C     write the result
      WRITE(kunit,1000) phi,star
 1000 FORMAT(
     :  /25('-'),/'RESULT:',
     :  /'Third invariant =', es24.14, ' ; Lstar =', es24.14,
     :  /25('-') )


                                 UNILIB Library
                                 Version v3.00
                           Generated by SPENVIS team

 --- Main control parameters ---

      UC160 (general constants):
                      Geoid major axis = 6378.16     km
                      Geoid minor axis = 6356.77     km
                Mean Earth radius (Re) = 6371.20     km
                  Ecliptic inclination =   23.441512 deg
                 McIlwain Earth dipole =    0.311653 G/Re^3

      UC190 (field line tracing):
                     Maximum step size =  477.8      km at one Re
              Maximum "last" step size =   15.0      km
                     Minimum step size =    2.0      km
                    Altitude precision =  200.       m
              Magnetic field precision =    0.0006   %

      UC192 (magnetic field evaluation):
             Max. geomagnetic latitude =   85.0      deg
                        Minimum radius =    0.157    Re
            (drift shell tracing):
                        Precision on L =    0.10000  %
            Precision on the longitude =    0.05     deg

 --- Geomagnetic field model ---

      Model ( 0): DGRF 1995                          Epoch 1995.
                             Order + 1 =   11
                     Calculation epoch = 1995.0      year
         Colatitude of the dipole pole =   10.68     deg
          Longitude of the dipole pole =  -71.42     deg
                   Earth dipole moment =    0.302151 G/Re^3
          Correction for the SAA drift =    0.00     deg

 --- External magnetic field model ---

      Model ( 0): None
           Planetary activity index Kp =    0.0      (magnetopause check)

                                  Date =  01-Jan-1950
                        Universal Time =    0.00     hrs
            Greenwich angle of equinox =  100.08     deg
           GEO direction of the Sun, X =   -0.9200
                                     Y =   -0.0131
                                     Z =   -0.3918
                     Dipole tilt angle =  -25.91     deg

Third invariant =   -3.83261517738775E+07 ; Lstar =    2.07395076314525E+00
