European Space Agency

European Space Agency

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy


ud319 - transfer a field line segment from common block uc170 to uc130

subroutine  ud319(flm, fbm, kind, ktyp, ifail)
  • flm [real8,in] :: McIlwain’s parameter of the field line segment

  • fbm [real8,in] :: Magnetic field intensity at the mirror points of the field line segment

  • kind [integer4,in] :: Field line index

  • ktyp [integer4,in] :: Controlling parameter

  • ifail [integer4,out] :: error flag (see Diagnostics)


The subroutine ud319() transfers fully or partialy a magnetic field line segment stored in the common block uc170 into the set of common blocks uc110, uc120 and uc130 which is used to store a drift shell. The transfer is controled by the arguments kind and ktyp.

When the argument kind is set to the value -1, the subroutine ud319() initializes the common blocks uc110, uc120 and uc130. In particular, the value of the arguments flm and fbm are stored in the argument mlbl of the common block uc110.

To add a field line segment to the set of segments already stored in the common blocks, the argument kind is used to specify the index of an already-stored segment of which the new segment has to be eastern (the indices refer to the argument mfl of the common block uc120). As output, the argument kind is updated to the index of the added segment.

The way that the field line segment stored in the common block uc170 is transfered into the common block uc130 is controled by the argument ktyp:

  • When ktyp=1, all the field line segments are completely transfered. When falt >-500, it includes the foot points and also the intermediate points on the field line situated below the mirror points and above the foot prints.

  • When ktyp=2, for each field line segments, only the points comprised between the mirror points are transfered. When falt >-500, the foot points of the segment are transfered but not the intermediate points between them and the mirror points.

  • When ktyp=3, the only points transfered from each field line segments are the mirror points, the point in the lowest magnetic field intensity and the foot points when falt >-500.


Except when an error occurs, the argument ifail is used to return the number of elementary segments involved in the transfer. This number is function of the contents of the common block uc170 and of the value of ktyp.


  • -31901, no segment, or no (B,I) coordinates of the field line

  • -31902, no (B,I) coordinates of the drift shell

  • -31903, problem with the coordinate B

  • -31904, problem with the coordinate I

  • -31905, too many field lines for the common block uc120

  • -31906, too many field line segments for the common block uc130

  • -31907, bad argument ktyp

  • -31908, argument kind greater than the number of computed field lines

Common Blocks


Called by



See also


Reported Bugs



