European Space Agency

European Space Agency

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy


ul240 - evaluate the Hilton’s function

subroutine  ul240(mlab, ifail)
  • mlab [zlbl,in/out] :: Magnetic parameter of a field line segment.

  • ifail [integer4,out] :: error flag (see Diagnostics)


The subroutine ul240() computes McIlwain’s shell parameter L from the integral invariant I and the magnetic field intensity Bm at the mirror points. The parameter L is evaluated with the help of the Hilton’s function. The inputs and result of the subroutine are passed through the argument mlab: mlab.finv and mlab.fbmp have to contain the values of I and Bm, respectively, and the value of L is stored in mlab.flmi. Note that both elements mlab.linv and mlab.lbmp have to be set to the value true.


The behaviour of subroutine ul240() depends on the argument kmflg of the common block uc190. When kmflg is equal to 0 or 10, the magnetic dipole moment stored in the common block uc160 (argument gmagmo) is used to perform the evaluation of Hilton’s function. When kmflg is equal to 1 or 11, the magnetic dipole moment of the current geomagnetic field model is used instead. The value of this last magnetic dipole moment is stored in argument mint.gmmo of the common block uc140.


  • Hilton, H.H., L parameter, a new approximation, JGR 76 (1971) 6952-6954


  • -24001, value of the integral invariant I is negative

  • -24002, value of the integral invariant I not specified

  • -24003, value of B at the mirror point not specified

Common Blocks


Called by



See also

Reported Bugs



