European Space Agency

European Space Agency

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy


ul245 - equatorial pitch angle

subroutine  ul245(mlin, mlab, ifail)
  • mlin [zfln,in] :: magnetic field line segment descriptor.

  • mlab [zlbl,in/out] :: magnetic parameter of a field line segment.

  • ifail [integer4,out] :: error flag (see Diagnostics)


The subroutine ul245() determines the equatorial pitch angle associated to a magnetic field line segment. The equatorial pitch angle is obtained from the magnetic field intensities Bm and B0 measured at the mirror points and at the “equatorial” point, respectively. The value of Bm has to be stored in mlab.fbmp. The behaviour of the subroutine depends strongly on the argument kmflg of common block uc190:

  • When kmflg is equal to 0 or 1, the magnetic field intensity B0 is defined by M/L3 where M is the magnetic dipole moment and L is the shell parameter. The value of L has to be stored in mlab.flmi. The value of M is obtained from the argument gmagmo of common block uc160 (when kmflg=0) or from the argument mint.gmmo of common block uc140 (when kmflg=1).

  • When kmflg is equal to 10 or 11, the magnetic field intensity is determined from the argument mlin.equat.b.dnrm which corresponds to the lowest magnetic field intensity along the field line.


  • -24501, value of Bm not available

  • -24502, value of L not available

  • -24503, problem with the minimum value of B along the field line

  • -24504, sinus greater than 1, forced to 90 degrees

Common Blocks


Called by



See also

Reported Bugs



