Common analysis

Module type name (to be used for the module commands): common


The common analysis module performs a basic analysis of the events. The output can be used to monitor the Geant4 tracking and the consequence of the secondary particle production cuts in electromagnetic processes.

A common analysis module is automatically inserted by GRAS as last module in the analysis chain, and its results are output at the end of the simulations, so no action is required from the user side to insert a “common analysis” module.

Available Units

Units are not used in this module.

Specific Module commands

The Module doesn’t have any specific commands.


Scalars (only in CSV file)

In the specific csv block of the file the following information is given:

  • STASDOUBLES_GLOBAL_NORMALIZATION_FACTOR: normalization factor used for all the scalars of the simulation

  • HISTOGRAMS_GLOBAL_NORMALIZATION_FACTOR: normalization factor used for all the histograms of the simulation

  • NumOfEvt: number of events run

  • Gamma: average number of secondary gammas generated per event

  • ErrorGamma: rms of the number of secondary gammas generated per event

  • Electron: average number of secondary electrons generated per event

  • ErrorElectron: rms of the number of secondary electrons generated per event

  • Positron: average number of secondary positrons generated per event

  • ErrorPositron: rms of the number of secondary positrons generated per event

  • Steps: average number of steps per event

  • ErrorSteps: rms of the number of steps per event

Histograms (in CSV and ROOT files)

No histograms are reported.

Tuples (only in ROOT file)

No tuples are reported
