Detector analysis

Module type name (to be used for the module commands): detector


The detector analysis module computes the total energy deposited per event in a series of volumes as requested by the user. The information (per volume) is output to a tuple with one row added for each event in which at least one of the volumes has a non-zero deposited energy.

Script example:

/gras/analysis/detector/addModule SiDet
/gras/analysis/detector/SiDet/addVolume PINDiode1
/gras/analysis/detector/SiDet/addVolume PINDiode2
/gras/analysis/detector/SiDet/addVolume PINDiode3

Typical analyses of e.g. detector response can be then performed at post-processing from the tuple output, e.g. by setting signal thresholds, adding noise, constructing coincidences / anticoincidence logics.

Available Units

The module accepts as units all the G4 units under the “Energy” category.

Specific Module commands

/gras/analysis/tid/<moduleName>/tallyIndividualVolumes [true || false]

Specify if tallies per individual volume should be created


Scalars (only in CSV file)

No scalars are reported.

Histograms (in CSV and ROOT files)

No histograms are reported.

Tuples (only in ROOT file)

Controlled by the bookTuples (default is active).

<moduleName> Event total EDep

  • Name: <moduleName>_tuple_detector

  • Detector energy deposition information by event

  • Columns:
    • weight: weight of the event

    • primarykine: kinetic energy of the primary particle

    • primarytheta: theta of the primary particle

    • primaryphi: phi of the primary particle

    • <insertedVolume>: energy deposition in <insertedVolume> per event

  • Always active
