Dose equivalent analysis

Module type name (to be used for the module commands): dose_equivalent


The dose equivalent analysis module computes the total (cumulative) “dose equivalent” in the selected volumes. The dose equivalent calculation takes into account the Relative Biological Effectiveness (RBE) of radiation as a function of particle type and energy through the use of QF. The Q(L) relationship between the QF and the LET has been implemented in GRAS based on the ICRP 60 recommendations 11.

Script example:

/gras/analysis/dose_equivalent/addModule doseEqBody
/gras/analysis/dose_equivalent/doseEqBody/addVolume Body
/gras/analysis/dose_equivalent/doseEqBody/addVolumeInterface Hall Body
/gras/analysis/dose_equivalent/doseEqBody/setUnit mSv

Available Units

The module accepts as units all the G4 units under the “Dose” and “Equivalent Dose” categories. Additional GRAS units that can be used are:

  • keV/g

  • MeV/g

  • MeV/mg

  • Rad (rad is also accepted, but it is recommended not to be used do distinguish it from the “Angle” unit)

  • Gy-eq

  • Sv

  • mSv

  • pGy

Specific Module commands

The Module is based on the Generic Factors Analysis module, so the commands specified therein are available to this module also.


The Module is based on the Generic Factors Analysis module, so the output information specified therein is available to this module also.

The GFMtype is DoseEq.
