Fluence analysis

Module type name (to be used for the module commands): fluence


The fluence analysis module computes the total (cumulative) “fluence” at the selected boundaries. The results are given as total fluence (scalar), fluence energy spectrum (histogram) and individual hits on the boundaries (tuple).

The fluence is tallied at the boundary specified with the Command: addVolumeInterface, while the volumes specified with the Command: addVolume are ignored.

The fluence is normalised to the target volume surface area (i.e. the surface area of the 2nd volume in the inserted volume interfaces) to obtain a proper fluence calculation in units e.g. of counts/cm2. This area is by default automatically computed by GRAS (see command autoInterfaceSurfaceArea), with the target area used for normalisation then the full target volume surface divided by 4. For the calculation of the transmitted fluence, this needs to be used in conjunction with the option surfaceCorrection false (see details here below).

The interface (target) surface area can also be set by the user with the command setInterfaceSurfaceArea.

Example script: a calculation of the transmitted fluence at a target volume can be obtained with the following set of UI commands to define the fluence analysis module parameters:

/gras/analysis/fluence/addModule fluenceLayer-2
/gras/analysis/fluence/fluenceLayer-2/addVolumeInterface Layer-1 Layer-2
/gras/analysis/fluence/fluenceLayer-2/insertParticle e-
/gras/analysis/fluence/fluenceLayer-2/insertParticle gamma
/gras/analysis/fluence/fluenceLayer-2/insertParticle proton
/gras/analysis/fluence/fluenceLayer-2/insertParticle Al26[0.0]
/gras/analysis/fluence/fluenceLayer-2/surfaceCorrection false
/gras/analysis/fluence/fluenceLayer-2/autoInterfaceSurfaceArea true
/gras/histo/setHistoByName  fluenceLayer-2_fluence_e-     80 1.0000e-04  1.0000e+04 MeV log
/gras/histo/setHistoByName  fluenceLayer-2_fluence_gamma  80 1.0000e-04  1.0000e+04 MeV log
/gras/histo/setHistoByName  fluenceLayer-2_fluence_proton 80 1.0000e-04  1.0000e+04 MeV log

Available Units

No units are required for this module.

Specific Module commands

/gras/analysis/fluence/<moduleName>/insertParticle [particle name]

Select the particle species for which a separate fluence energy spectrum must be produced (e.g. e- / proton / gamma / …). If primary is inserted as a particle name a spectrum for the primary particle will also be produced.

Note: ions appear each with its specific name, for example, Al ions injected with the GPS command lines /gps/ion 13 26 appear in the Geant4 transport with the name Al26[0.0].


List particles inserted

/gras/analysis/fluence/<moduleName>/bothWayTally [true || false]

The user can select to tally the fluence in both directions (NB: the fluences are added, not subtracted). By default, the fluence is only tallied when the particles cross the selected boundary in the direction specified by the user (i.e. the order of the volume names).

/gras/analysis/fluence/<moduleName>/surfaceCorrection [true || false]

The user has the option to enable/disable a cosine correction factor to take account of the effective surface seen by the incident particle. The extra factor is a cosine of the angle with respect to the local normal to the surface. By default, the surface correction option is disabled.

/gras/analysis/fluence/<moduleName>/neglectPrimaries [true || false]

If true primary particles will be ignored

/gras/analysis/fluence/<moduleName>/particleTallyMode [inserted || all]

By setting the mode to all, a different set of histograms is available in the output, and detailed event-by-event output is available in the fluence ROOT tuple, where particle types can be distinguished also by Z, A.


Scalars (only in CSV file)


  • Fluence of the simulation through all the specified volume interfaces

  • Always active

  • Precision Calculations This variable is registered for precision calculations if activated

Histograms (in CSV and ROOT files)

Controlled by the bookHisto command (default is active).


  • Name (for the setHistoByName command): <moduleName>_fluence_<particleName>

  • Spectrum of the fluence per inserted particle vs their kinetic energy

  • Always active


  • Name (for the setHistoByName command): <moduleName>_fluence_<particleName>

  • Spectrum of the fluence vs the particle’s pdg

  • Activated by the all particleTallyMode

atomic_number FLUENCE SPECTRUM

  • Name (for the setHistoByName command): <moduleName>_fluence_<particleName>

  • Spectrum of the fluence vs the particle’s atomic number

  • Activated by the all particleTallyMode


  • Name (for the setHistoByName command): <moduleName>_fluence_<particleName>

  • Spectrum of the fluence vs the particle’satomic mass

  • Activated by the all particleTallyMode


  • Name (for the setHistoByName command): <moduleName>_fluence_<particleName>_vs_primary_kine

  • 2D Spectrum of the fluence per inserted particle vs their kinetic energy

  • Always active


  • Name (for the setHistoByName command): <moduleName>_fluence_<particleName>_primaryTx

  • Spectrum of the fluence per inserted particle vs the kinetic energy of the primary particle

  • Activated by the bookHistosAdvanced command


  • Name (for the setHistoByName command): <moduleName>_fluence_XY_<particleName>

  • 2D Spectrum of the fluence per inserted particle vs their x and y position on the interface

  • Activated by the bookHistosAdvanced command


  • Name (for the setHistoByName command): <moduleName>_fluence_XZ_<particleName>

  • 2D Spectrum of the fluence per inserted particle vs their x and z position on the interface

  • Activated by the bookHistosAdvanced command


  • Name (for the setHistoByName command): <moduleName>_fluence_YZ_<particleName>

  • 2D Spectrum of the fluence per inserted particle vs their y and z position on the interface

  • Activated by the bookHistosAdvanced command

Tuples (only in ROOT file)

Controlled by the bookTuples (default is active).

<moduleName> Particle: <particleName>

  • Name: <moduleName>_tuple_fluence_<particleName>

  • Fluence information per inserted particle

  • Columns:

    • kine: kinetic energy of particle on the interface

    • theta: theta to normal of the particle on the interface

    • time: time on the interface

    • weight: weight of the event

    • primarykine: kinetic energy of the primary particle

  • Always active

  • With the detailedTuples command you can get also the following information

    • posx: local x position on the interface

    • posy: local y position on the interface

    • posz: local z position on the interface

    • gposx: global x position on the interface

    • gposy: global y position on the interface

    • gposz: global z position on the interface

    • primaryx: x position of the primary particle

    • primaryy: y position of the primary particle

    • primaryz: z position of the primary particle

    • primarymomx: momentum projection on x of the primary particle

    • primarymomy: momentum projection on y of the primary particle

    • primarymomz: momentum projection on z of the primary particle

<moduleName> fluence

  • Name: <moduleName>_tuple_fluence

  • Fluence information

  • Columns:

    • event: event ID

    • pdg: pdg of particle on the interface

    • z: atomic number of particle on the interface

    • a: atomic mass of particle on the interface

    • trackID: track ID

    • charge: charge of particle on the interface

    • kine: kinetic energy of particle on the interface

    • theta: theta to normal of the particle on the interface

    • time: time on the interface

    • weight: weight of the event

    • primarykine: kinetic energy of the primary particle

  • Activated by the all particleTallyMode

  • With the detailedTuples command you can get also the following information

    • primaryPDG: pdg of the primary particle

    • primaryZ: atomic number of the primary particle

    • primaryA: atomic mass of the primary particle

    • posx: local x position on the interface

    • posy: local y position on the interface

    • posz: local z position on the interface

    • gposx: global x position on the interface

    • gposy: global y position on the interface

    • gposz: global z position on the interface

    • primaryx: x position of the primary particle

    • primaryy: y position of the primary particle

    • primaryz: z position of the primary particle

    • primarymomx: momentum projection on x of the primary particle

    • primarymomy: momentum projection on y of the primary particle

    • primarymomz: momentum projection on z of the primary particle
