LET_R analysis

Module type name (to be used for the module commands): let_r


For backwards compatibility the previous NewLET name can also be used.


Similar to the LET analysis with the difference that the LET values are filled per step, instead of per event (summing LET from all particle crossing the interfaces during the event).

Script example:

/gras/analysis/let_r/addModule <module_name>
/gras/analysis/let_r/<module_name>/addVolumeInterface volume1 volume2
/gras/analysis/let_r/<module_name>/setUnit MeV/cm

Available Units

The module accepts as units all the G4 units under the “Energy/Length” category.

Specific Module commands

/gras/analysis/let_r/<moduleName>/addUserMaterial <userMaterial>

Specify material for which LET and effective LET spectrum will be registered.


If a material is given that it is not used in the detector geometry, depending on the physics list used (e.g. em_standard, em_standard_opt1, em_standard_opt2, em_standard_opt3) crashes have been observed.


Scalars (only in CSV file)


  • Average (not normalized to the number of events simulated) LET of the particles on the interfaces

  • Always active

  • Precision Calculations This variable is registered for precision calculations if activated

Histograms (in CSV and ROOT files)

Controlled by the bookHisto command (default is active).


  • Name (for the setHistoByName command): <moduleName>_LET_R_localMaterial

  • Spectrum of the LET per step for local material on the specified volume interfaces

  • Always active


  • Name (for the setHistoByName command): <moduleName>_EffectiveLET_R_localMaterial

  • Spectrum of the effective LET (LET normalized with a correction factor of 1/cos(theta), where theta is the angle between direction of the incoming particle with respect to the surface, to take account of the expected path of the particle in the target volume) for local material per step on the specified volume interfaces

  • Always active

LET_R SPECTRUM for MATERIAL <userMaterial>

  • Name (for the setHistoByName command): <moduleName>_LET_R_<userMaterial>

  • Spectrum of the LET per step for user defined material on the specified volume interfaces

  • Active if at least one user material is given

LET_R Effective SPECTRUM for MATERIAL <userMaterial>

  • Name (for the setHistoByName command): <moduleName>_Effective_LET_R_<userMaterial>

  • Spectrum of the effective LET per step for user defined material on the specified volume interfaces

  • Active if at least one user material is given

Tuples (only in ROOT file)

Controlled by the bookTuples (default is active).

<moduleName> Particle: all

  • Name: <moduleName>_tuple_LET_R

  • LET_R information by step

  • Columns:

    • let_r: LET of step for local material on the specified volume interfaces

    • weight: weight of the event

    • primarykine: primary kinetic energy of the event

  • Always active
