Mesh scoring analysis¶
Module type name (to be used for the module commands): mesh
This analysis module allows the user to define a parallel world geometry from a gdml or a gmsh file and make use of the Geant4 scoring existing functionalities.
GRAS supports the existing Geant4 scoring functionalities with some extensions as described in Command-based scoring. This module acts as a “front-end” for some of the commands described therein.
In order to define a mesh scoring analysis, the user must:
Activate the scoring functionality
Add a mesh analysis module
As minimum an identification name for the mesh, the geometry format and the geometry file
Optionally: additional information required by the geometry format selected and/or a set of transformations (translation, rotations)
Initialise the analysis modules by invoking the
commandDefine the scoring analyses by using GRAS scoring commands (similar to Geant4 ones)
Script example: The script example below loads two geometries, defined in GDML and Gmsh format, and scores the energy deposited and the total charge for all the mesh elements.
/gras/analysis/mesh/addModule MESH1
/gras/analysis/mesh/MESH1/type gdml
/gras/analysis/mesh/MESH1/file Mesh01.gdml
/gras/analysis/mesh/MESH1/gdml/setup Default
/gras/analysis/mesh/MESH1/translate 0 0 0 mm
/gras/analysis/mesh/MESH1/rotateX 0 deg
/gras/analysis/mesh/addModule MESH2
/gras/analysis/mesh/MESH2/type gmsh
/gras/analysis/mesh/MESH2/file Mesh02.msh
/gras/analysis/mesh/MESH2/gmsh/outputFile Mesh02.result.msh
/gras/analysis/mesh/MESH2/gmsh/lengthUnit mm
/gras/analysis/mesh/MESH1/translate 0 0 0 mm
/gras/analysis/mesh/MESH1/rotateX 0 deg
/gras/score/open MESH1
/gras/score/quantity/energyDeposit eDep MeV
/gras/score/open MESH2
/gras/score/quantity/cellCharge charge C
Available Units¶
Units are not used in this module.
Specific Module commands¶
/gras/analysis/mesh/<moduleName>/file <fileName>
Specify the geometry file to be used as scoring mesh
/gras/analysis/mesh/<moduleName>/type [gmsh || gdml]
Specify the geometry type
/gras/analysis/mesh/<moduleName>/gmsh/outputFile <fileName>
Specify the gmsh output file name for the gmsh mesh results (can be post-processed afterwards using the Gmsh tool).
/gras/analysis/mesh/<moduleName>/gmsh/lengthUnit <unitName>
Specify the length unit for the mesh elements
/gras/analysis/mesh/<moduleName>/gdml/setup <setupName>
Specify the geometry setup in the GDML file. If none is specified the GDML processor will choose the first found
/gras/analysis/mesh/<moduleName>/translate <X> <Y> <Z> <unitName>
Translate the scoring mesh by a vector XYZ
/gras/analysis/mesh/<moduleName>/rotateX <angle> <unitName>
Rotate the scoring mesh in X axis
/gras/analysis/mesh/<moduleName>/rotateY <angle> <unitName>
Rotate the scoring mesh in Y axis
/gras/analysis/mesh/<moduleName>/rotateZ <angle> <unitName>
Rotate the scoring mesh in Z axis
The results of the mesh scoring will be reported in a gmsh file and in the csv file.