European Space Agency

European Space Agency

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy


setkmflg - Set dipole Moment flag

subroutine  setkmflg(kmflag)

kmflag [integer4,in] :: KMFLAG value [0, 1, 10, 11].


setkmflg() is a helper function for IDL. It provides an interface for changing the uc190 kmflg parameter via the uxidl() subroutine.

See the KMFLAG Values table in the uc190 documentation.


Note in the example below that the Flag for UL240 =   10 is included in the output, and shows the change of the kmflg value from the default value of 0 to 10.

IDL Program

; Initialise UNILIB

so_lib = './'
kunit = 6L
kinit = 1L
ifail = 0L

status  = CALL_EXTERNAL( so_lib, 'idl_ut990_', kunit, kinit, ifail)

; Set UC190 KMFLG  to 10
kmflag = 10L
status  = CALL_EXTERNAL( so_lib, 'idl_setkmflg_', kmflag )
status  = CALL_EXTERNAL( so_lib, 'idl_ut990_', kunit, -1L, ifail)

IDL Output

IDL>   ; Initialise UNILIB
IDL>    so_lib = './'
IDL>    kunit = 6L
IDL>    kinit = 1L
IDL>    ifail = 0L
IDL>    status  = CALL_EXTERNAL( so_lib, 'idl_ut990_', kunit, kinit, ifail)

                                 UNILIB Library
                                 Version v3.00
                           Generated by SPENVIS team

 --- Main control parameters ---

      UC160 (general constants):
                      Geoid major axis = 6378.16     km
                      Geoid minor axis = 6356.77     km
                Mean Earth radius (Re) = 6371.20     km
                  Ecliptic inclination =   23.441512 deg
                 McIlwain Earth dipole =    0.311653 G/Re^3

      UC190 (field line tracing):
                     Maximum step size =  477.8      km at one Re
              Maximum "last" step size =   15.0      km
                     Minimum step size =    2.0      km
                    Altitude precision =  200.       m
              Magnetic field precision =    0.0006   %

      UC192 (magnetic field evaluation):
             Max. geomagnetic latitude =   85.0      deg
                        Minimum radius =    0.157    Re
            (drift shell tracing):
                        Precision on L =    0.10000  %
            Precision on the longitude =    0.05     deg
IDL>    ; Set UC190 KMFLG  to 10
IDL>    kmflag = 10L
IDL>    status  = CALL_EXTERNAL( so_lib, 'idl_setkmflg_', kmflag )
IDL>    status  = CALL_EXTERNAL( so_lib, 'idl_ut990_', kunit, -1L, ifail)

                                 UNILIB Library
                                 Version v3.00
                           Generated by SPENVIS team

 --- Main control parameters (modified) ---

      UC160 (general constants):
                      Geoid major axis = 6378.16     km
                      Geoid minor axis = 6356.77     km
                Mean Earth radius (Re) = 6371.20     km
                  Ecliptic inclination =   23.441512 deg
                 McIlwain Earth dipole =    0.311653 G/Re^3

      UC190 (field line tracing):
                     Maximum step size =  477.8      km at one Re
              Maximum "last" step size =   15.0      km
                     Minimum step size =    2.0      km
                    Altitude precision =  200.       m
              Magnetic field precision =    0.0006   %
                        Flag for UL240 =   10

      UC192 (magnetic field evaluation):
             Max. geomagnetic latitude =   85.0      deg
                        Minimum radius =    0.157    Re
            (drift shell tracing):
                        Precision on L =    0.10000  %
            Precision on the longitude =    0.05     deg

 --- Note ---

       Common block content not altered

