European Space Agency

European Space Agency

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy

../_images/whiteSpace.png - IDL initialisation routine

Description includes the IDL structure definitions for the UNILIB library.

ux***__define procedures create IDL structures that are compatible with passing to the CALL_EXTERNAL procedure and to the UNILIB dynamic library.

pro unilib

pro unilib, kunit=kunit, kinit=kinit, version=version, solib=solib

The IDL unilib procedure attempts to locate the UNILIB dynamic library and then initialises the library by calling ut990 with the kunit and kinit values passed to the call.

To specify the location of the dynamic library, the preferred option is to set the UNILIB environment variable to point at the dynamic library, otherwise unilib searches for it in the ../lib/ directory relative to where the IDL session is running.

  • The UNILIB version is returned as an integer in the version keyword.

  • The path to the found dynamic library is returned via the solib keyword.

Example Usage

bash-4.2$ export UNILIB='./'
bash-4.2$ idl
IDL 8.7.2 (linux x86_64 m64).
(c) 2019, Harris Geospatial Solutions, Inc.

Licensed for use by: -----
License: ----

IDL> .compile examples/
% Compiled module: UZXYZ__DEFINE.
% Compiled module: UZGEO__DEFINE.
% Compiled module: UZVEC__DEFINE.
% Compiled module: UZLBL__DEFINE.
% Compiled module: UZPNT__DEFINE.
% Compiled module: UZSEG__DEFINE.
% Compiled module: UZIND__DEFINE.
% Compiled module: UZFLN__DEFINE.
% Compiled module: UZIMF__DEFINE.
% Compiled module: UZSUN__DEFINE.
% Compiled module: UZEMF__DEFINE.
% Compiled module: UZDAT__DEFINE.
% Compiled module: UZATM__DEFINE.
% Compiled module: UNILIB.
IDL> unilib,kunit=6, kinit=1, version=version, solib=solib
% UNILIB: File ./ linked

                                 UNILIB Library
                                 Version v3.00
                           Generated by SPENVIS team

 --- Main control parameters ---

      UC160 (general constants):
                      Geoid major axis = 6378.16     km
                      Geoid minor axis = 6356.77     km
                Mean Earth radius (Re) = 6371.20     km
                  Ecliptic inclination =   23.441512 deg
                 McIlwain Earth dipole =    0.311653 G/Re^3

      UC190 (field line tracing):
                     Maximum step size =  477.8      km at one Re
              Maximum "last" step size =   15.0      km
                     Minimum step size =    2.0      km
                    Altitude precision =  200.       m
              Magnetic field precision =    0.0006   %

      UC192 (magnetic field evaluation):
             Max. geomagnetic latitude =   85.0      deg
                        Minimum radius =    0.157    Re
            (drift shell tracing):
                        Precision on L =    0.10000  %
            Precision on the longitude =    0.05     deg
% UNILIB: Unilib initialised
IDL> print,version
IDL> print,solib
IDL> zgeo = {uzgeo}
IDL> help,zgeo
** Structure UZGEO, 3 tags, length=24, data length=24:
   RADIUS          DOUBLE           0.0000000
   COLAT           DOUBLE           0.0000000
   ELONG           DOUBLE           0.0000000

See Also
