European Space Agency

European Space Agency

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy


ua630 - evaluate the atmospheric densities

subroutine  ua630()
  • mpos [zgeo,in] :: geographic location (GEO)

  • tmass [real8,out] :: total mass density

  • dens (30) [real8,out] :: number density of the different species (see Note)

  • temp [real8,out] :: temperature of the neutral elements, electrons and ionized elements

  • ifail [integer4,out] :: error flag (see Diagnostics)


The subroutine ua630() interfaces the atmospheric, ionospheric and plasmaspheric model with the UNILIB library. The subroutine includes also two simple atmospheric models of the total mass density. The different models are selected by arguments matm.katm and matm.kion of the common block uc150. The possible selections are listed in the table below.


MSISE-90 atmospheric model


Neutral part of the Anderson & Francis model


Simple total mass density model “Astrophysical Quantities” (Allen, 1985)


Simple Pfitzer total mass density model


IRI-90 ionospheric model


Ionospheric part of the Anderson & Francis model


Simple Pfitzer model of the ionosphere

The temperatures (argument temp) are provided only by the MSISE-90 and IRI-90 models.

One should note that the total mass density and the number densities are only determined for the species listed in argument kspec of common block uc150.


The argument dens of subroutines ua630(), ua631(), ua632(), ua633(), ua634(), and ua635(), the argument cs of subroutines ua634(), ua637(), and ua638(), and the argument uma of common block uc160 have the same synopsis:

`` REAL*8 dens(30), cs(30), uma(30)``

Each indice of both arrays corresponds to a fixed atmospheric constituent. The table below provides the correspondance between indices and constituents.

1 = H

11 = CO2

21 = He+

2 = He

12 = NH3

22 = C+

3 = Ne

13 = CH4

23 = N+

4 = Ar

14 not used

24 = O+

5 = Kr

15 not used

25 = Ne+

6 = Xe

16 = O.

26 = N2+

7 = H2

17 = N.

27 = NO+

8 = N2

18 not used

28 = O2+

9 = O2

19 = e-

29 not used

10 = CO

20 = p+

30 not used


The subroutines, which return the arguments dens or cs, assign the value 0 to array elements which correspond to atmospheric components not treated by the subroutine.


  • -63001, geographic position below the Earth’s surface

Common Blocks


Called by


See also

Reported Bugs

  • In version 2.00 and earlier, the local time was improperly passed to both MSISE and IRI-90 models by the subroutines ua632() and ua633(), respectively. The bug is fixed since version 2.01.


