European Space Agency

European Space Agency

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy

Royal Belgian Institute for Aeronomy


ua610 - select an atmospheric, ionospheric and/or plasmaspheric model

subroutine  ua610(kmodel, mdate, rzss, f107a, f107, fkpx, ap0, ap3, ap6, ap9, ap24, ap48, lbatm, kunit, ifail)
  • kmodel [integer4,in] :: index of the model

  • mdate [zdat,in] :: date and time

  • rzss [real8,in] :: sunspot number

  • f107a [real8,in] :: 81-day average of F10.7 solar flux centred on required day

  • f107 [real8,in] :: daily F10.7 solar flux for previous day

  • fkpx [real8,in] :: maximum Kp value

  • ap0 [real8,in] :: 3-hour Ap index for current time

  • ap3 [real8,in] :: 3-hour Ap index for 3 hours before current time

  • ap6 [real8,in] :: 3-hour Ap index for 6 hours before current time

  • ap9 [real8,in] :: 3-hour Ap index for 9 hours before current time

  • ap24 [real8,in] :: average of eight 3-hour Ap indices from 12 to 35 hours prior to current time

  • ap48 [real8,in] :: average of eight 3-hour Ap indices from 36 to 59 hours prior to current time

  • lbatm [character,out] :: label of the model

  • kunit [integer4,in] :: file unit for the summary table (see note of ut990())

  • ifail [integer4,out] :: error flag (see Diagnostics)


The subroutine UA610 can be used to initialize the atmosphere, ionosphere, and plasmasphere description inside the common block UC150. The argument kmodel allows to select different models listed in the table below.


Model description


No atmospheric model


MSISE-90 neutral atmosphere model including the species H, He, Ar, N2, O2, O. and N..


MSISE-90 atmospheric model combined with the ionospheric model IRI-90. The species included are H, He, Ar, N2, O2,O., N., H+, He+, N+, O+, NO+, O+2 and electrons.


Anderson & Francis atmospheric and ionospheric model including the species H, He, N2, O2, O., N., H+, He+, O+, NO+, O+2 and electrons.


A simple atmospheric model based on table of densities published in “Astrophysical Quantities” (Allen, 1985).


Pfitzer atmospheric model

Note that the two last models do not include particular species. These two models provide only the mean density of neutral atmospheric constituents. The MSISE-90 and IRI-90 models depend on a set of flags stored in the common block UC150 for the subroutine UT990 assigns default values. The MSISE-90 model depends on the time, the F10.7 solar fluxes and all the planetary indices Ap. The Anderson & Francis model and the simple Allen model depend on the altitude only. The Pfitser model depends on the altitude and the the F10.7 solar fluxes. The IRI-90 model depends on the time, the sunspot number. The extension of the IRI-90 model to the plasmasphere (Carpenter & Anderson, 1992) depends also on the maximum Kp index.


  • -61001, incorrect date in argument mdate

  • -61002, invalid model number

  • -61003, error on output device

Common Blocks


Called by



See also

Reported Bugs


