Command Summary¶
The tables in the following eight subsections summarise the command structure for the MULASSIS. All inputs are as ASCII text, each command being entered as a separate line of the macro-file (all parameters to the commands must be on the same line). The command structure follows the standard structure for Geant4 commands. There are a large number of standard Geant4 commands available to the user, in addition to those summarised in this section the user should refer to the Geant4 toolkit documents or the online help for their usage.
commands shown in this section are only a small selection of the gps commands, see the complete reference of the gps commands.
Geometry Commands¶
Command |
Type |
Description |
G4String name, formula G4double density >0.0G4String state G4double temp >0.0G4double pres >0.0 |
Creates a material with material name |
Creates a material from the G4NIST tables. |
Deletes the material called |
Lists the currently defined materials and the associated index for the material. |
Lists the pre-defined materials available from the G4NIST package. The string |
Sets the shield geometry type to planar (slab) or spherical. In the case of the sphere, the final layer of the geometry is a solid sphere. |
G4int layerIndex G4String materialName G4intcolourIndex G4double thickness >0.0G4String unit = “um”, “mm”, “cm”, “m”, “km”, “mg/cm2”, “g/cm2”, or “kg/m2”. |
Adds a shield layer after layer |
Deletes the layer of index |
List the thickness of layer |
G4String colourName G4double R, G, B |
Defines a colour according to its RGB intensity. |
Lists the available colour palette and the associated colour indices. |
Sets the shield thicknesses to the SHIELDOSE2 defaults |
Updates the geometry information after changes requested by the user.
This is a mandatory command after any changes made to the geometry.
G4double size G4String unit = “um”, “mm”, “cm”, “m”, or “km” |
Sets the dimensions of the X/Y sides of a slab geometry. By default, the extent of the planar geometry is 100x the total thickness. |
GPS Commands¶
Command |
Type |
Description |
Sets the incident particle type.
For a nonMC analysis, the particle type must be
ion , and the ion defined by the /gps/ion command. |
G4int Z, A, Q >0G4double E >=0.0 |
For an ion source particle, sets the |
G4double energy G4String unit |
Sets the source particle distribution to monoenergetic of energy defined by |
Sets the source particle energy distribution to:
Mono - monoenergetic
Lin - linear
Pow - power-law
Exp - exponential
User - user-defined histogram
Arb - arbitrary point-wise spectrum
G4double eMin >0.0G4String unit |
Sets the minimum for the energy distribution. |
G4double eMax > 0.0G4String unit |
Sets the maximum for the energy distribution. |
Sets the |
Sets the gradient for linear distributions |
Sets the E0 for the exponential distribution of the form |
Sets the intercept for the linear distribution |
Resets the histogram data. |
Allows definition of histogram, point-by-point. |
Sets the interpolation type to be used for point-wise data:
Lin - linear
Log - power-law
Exp - exponential
Spline - cubic spline
Sets the angular distribution type
iso - isotropic
cos - cosine-law
For a nonMC analysis, the angular distribution must be either “planar” or “cos”.
G4double tMin G4String unit = “deg” or “rad” |
Sets a minimum value for the |
G4double tMax G4String unit = “deg” or “rad” |
Sets a maximum value for the |
Physics Commands¶
Command |
Type |
Description |
G4String csv_file G4String material G4String particle_name G4double Energy_lo G4double Energy_hi G4int Num_Energies G4String log_lin = “log” or “lin” |
Writes out to a CSV file the mean dEdX, stopping power and range for the energies between |
G4String material G4double energy_MeV G4String particle_name |
Prints out the dEdx and range for the specified particle and material. Only works after the |
Sets the physics models used based on scenarioType.
This is a mandatory command required before starting the
/run/beamOn commands |
Displays the current scenario |
Sets the verbosity level for output of physical interactions. |
G4double cutValue G4String unit = “um”, “mm”, “cm”, or “m” |
Sets the global cut-length for all secondary particle production to be |
Sets the global cut-length for secondary gamma-ray production to be |
G4double cutValue G4String unit = “um”, “mm”, “cm”, or “m” |
Sets the global cut-length for secondary electron production to be |
G4double cutValue G4String unit = “um”, “mm”, “cm”, or “m” |
Sets the global cut-length for secondary positron production to be |
G4String regionName G4double cutValue G4String unit = “um”, “mm”, “cm”, or “m” |
Sets the cut-length for secondary particle production to be |
G4String regName G4String parName G4double cutValue G4String unit = “um”, “mm”, “cm”, “m” |
Sets the cut-length for secondary parName particle production to be |
Add a new region named |
Delete a region named |
List the regions created. |
G4String regName G4int layer |
Add the layer layer to region |
G4String regName G4int layer |
Remove the layer layer from region |
List the layers in region |
Analysis Commands¶
Command |
Type |
Description |
G4double fluence G4String unit = “cm2” or “m2” |
Sets the incident particle fluence to fluence in units of 1.0/ |
Sets the name of the CSV and RPT files. |
Selects the layer (denoted by
layerIndex ) immediately after which the particle fluence analysis is to be performed. Note that:* the fluence analysis is performed at the boundary between two layers;
layerIndex =1 indicates the surface of the geometry;*
layerIndex =nLayers+1 indicates the surface of a planar geometry immediately after the last layer (i.e. the exit layer);*
layerIndex =0 indicates that Fluence analysis is to be performed for all layers in the geometry. |
Deselects layer layerIndex for particle fluence analysis. |
Identifies the layers for which particle fluence analysis is to be performed |
Sets the units of fluence used in the output. |
Selects whether the standard (omnidirectional) fluence or planar fluence (particle current) is measured. For a nonMC analysis, the “omni” fluence type must be selected. |
Sets the energy binning-scheme mode for particle fluence data. |
Applies the default energy binning-scheme: 60 energy bins logarithmically-spaced over the range 1 keV to 1 GeV. |
G4double eMin > 0.0 && eMin < eMax;G4String unit = “eV”, “keV”, “MeV”, “GeV”, “TeV”, or “PeV” |
Sets the lower-edge of the lowest bin in the energy binning-scheme. |
G4double eMax > eMin;G4String unit = “eV”, “keV”, “MeV”, “GeV”, “TeV”, or “PeV” |
Sets the upper-edge of the highest bin in the energy binning-scheme. |
Sets the number of bins in the energy binning-scheme.
Nebin is forced to unity if eMax``==``eMin This command is not available for arbitrary binning schemes.
Lists the current energy binning-scheme. |
G4double eEdge ; eMin<eEdge<eMaxG4String unit = “eV”, “keV”, “MeV”, “GeV”, “TeV”, or “PeV” |
Adds a bin-edge. Only available for arbitrary binning-schemes. |
G4double eEdge G4String unit = “eV”, “keV”, “MeV”, “GeV”, “TeV”, or “PeV” |
Deletes an existing bin-edge. Only available for arbitrary binning schemes. |
Delete all bin-edges between |
Sets the angle binning-scheme mode for particle fluence data. |
Applies the default angle binning-scheme: 2 angle bins linearly-spaced over the range 0 |
G4double tMin > 0 && tMin < tMaxG4String unit = “deg” or “rad” |
Sets the lower-edge of the lowest bin in the angle binning-scheme. |
G4double tMax > tMinG4String unit = “deg” or “rad” |
Sets the upper-edge of the highest bin in the angle binning-scheme. |
Sets the number of bins in the angle binning-scheme. |
Lists the current angle binning-scheme |
G4double tEdge ; tMin < tEdge <tMax ;G4String unit = “deg” or “rad” |
Adds a bin-edge. Only available for arbitrary binning-schemes. |
G4double aEdge G4String unit = “deg” or “rad” |
Deletes an existing bin-edge. Only available for arbitrary binning schemes. |
Delete all bin-edges between |
Select particle type |
Deselect particle type |
List particle types for which fluence analysis is to be performed. |
Selects the layer denoted by layerIndex for which energy deposition / TID analysis is to be performed. |
Deselects layer layerIndex for Edep/TID analysis. |
Identifies the layers for which Edep/TID analysis is to be performed. |
Selects the units by which dose or energy deposition in the layers shall be measured. |
Selects the layer denoted by layerIndex for which Dose Equivalent analysis is to be performed. |
Deselects layer layerIndex for Dose Equivalent analysis. |
Identifies the layers for which Dose Equivalent analysis is to be performed. |
Selects the units by which Dose Equivalent in the layers shall be measured. |
Selects the layer denoted by layerIndex for which PHS analysis must be performed. |
Deselects layer layerIndex for PHS analysis. |
Identifies the layers for which PHS analysis is to be performed. |
Sets the energy binning-scheme mode for PHS data. |
Applies the default energy binning-scheme for PHS. |
G4double eMin > 0 && eMin <eMax ;G4String unit = “eV”, “keV”, “MeV”, “GeV”, “TeV”, or “PeV” |
Sets the lower-edge of the lowest bin in the energy binning-scheme for PHS. |
G4double eMax > eMin G4String unit = “eV”, “keV”, “MeV”, “GeV”, “TeV”, or “PeV” |
Sets the upper-edge of the highest bin in the energy binning-scheme for PHS. |
Sets the number of bins in the energy binning-scheme. |
Lists the current energy binning-scheme for PHS |
G4double eEdge ; eMin <eEdge <eMax G4String unit = “eV”, “keV”, “MeV”, “GeV”, “TeV”, or “PeV” |
Adds a bin-edge. Only available for arbitrary binning-schemes |
G4double eEdge G4String unit = “eV”, “keV”, “MeV”, “GeV”, “TeV”, or “PeV” |
Deletes an existing bin-edge. Only available for arbitrary binning schemes |
Delete all bin-edges between |
Selects the layer denoted by layerIndex for which NIEL analysis must be performed. |
Deselects layer layerIndex for NIEL analysis. |
Identifies the layers for which NIEL analysis is to be performed. |
Selects the units by which NIEL deposition at the layer boundaries shall be measured. |
Selects the set of NIEL coefficients denoted by |
G4int layerIndex >= 0;G4String NIELCoeffs = “cern”, “CERN”, “jpl”, “JPL”, “JPL_NRL_NASA_2003_Si”, “JPL_NRL_NASA_2003_GaAs”, “JPL_NRL_NASA_2003_InP”, “INFN_ESA_2014_10eV_GaAs”, “INFN_ESA_2014_21eV_GaAs”, “INFN_ESA_2014_25eV_GaAs” |
Selects the set of NIEL coefficients denoted by |
Lists the published references from which the NIEL data was obtained. |
Add a layer to the solar cell analysis. |
Delete a layer from the solar cell analysis. |
List the solar cell analysis. |
Sets the units to report the TNID. |
Lists the NIEL curve references. |
Sets the global NIEL curve to use for the solar cell analysis. |
G4int layerIndex >= 0;G4String NIELCoeffs = “cern”, “CERN”, “jpl”, “JPL”, “JPL_NRL_NASA_2003_Si”, “JPL_NRL_NASA_2003_GaAs”, “JPL_NRL_NASA_2003_InP”, “INFN_ESA_2014_10eV_GaAs”, “INFN_ESA_2014_21eV_GaAs”, “INFN_ESA_2014_25eV_GaAs” |
Sets the NIEL function for a specific layer of the geometry. |
G4String tag G4double n G4double Cp G4double Ce G4double Dxp G4double Dxe |
Sets the experimentally determined parameters that characterise the solar cell degradation as specified by the SCREAM/SAVANT method of NRL. |
Lists the previously entered parameters |
Deletes the set of parameters corresponding to the |
Progress Control Commands¶
Command |
Type |
Description |
Sets the output filename prefix. Either “_commout.json” or “_commout.txt” will be appended to this value to form the filename.
Default prefix is the name of the application, i.e., “MULASSIS”
Output file format. See Note below regarding case-sensitivity. |
G4int f >0G4String unit = “event”, or “batch” |
Defines the intervals at which the output progress file is updated. See Note below regarding case-sensitivity.
Default is update every batch.
Sets the maximum number of events for each of the subsequent
/run/beamOn commands. If not set, it is assumed there is only one run, and the number of events identified with the /run/beamOn command is used as the target value.This command is ignored for non-MC runs.
Sets the number of non-MC runs to perform. This command is ignored for MC runs. |
Allows synchronisation of the run number when using the targetEvents command with multiple run targets or the targetRuns command. |
String inputs which are all upper case, all lower case, or initial letter upper case are treated the same, e.g. “event”, “EVENT”, and “Event” are equivalent.
Miscellaneous Commands¶
Command |
Type |
Description |
Selection of additional macro files to run. |
Sets the interval (in number of events |
Sets the random number seed to be used for the simulation. |
Sets the time-limit (in CPU seconds) for program execution. |
Initiates the execution of the simulation for nEvents primary particles. |
Perform nonMC shielding analysis, equivalent to |
Sets the percentage error to be applied to the nonMC results. Default is 0.0 |
Displays the percentage error to apply to the results. |
NonMC Integration Commands¶
Command |
Type |
Description |
G4double maxTIntv >=0.01 deg && <=5.0 degG4String unit = “deg” or “rad” |
Defines the maximum interval in |
G4double maxTIntv >=85.0 deg && <= 89.999 degG4String unit = “deg” or “rad” |
Defines the maximum angle to the normal up to which the incident (cosine-law) flux will be integrated. Default is 89.9 |
Set the minimum number of angle intervals for Simpson 3/8 integration within each fluence bin. Default is 20. |
G4double minEpn >=0.01 MeV && <=10.0 GeVG4String unit = “eV”, “keV”, “MeV”, or “GeV” |
Defines the minimum energy per nucleon from which the numerical integration of the incident spectrum will be performed. Default is 0.01 MeV. |
Number of energies per decade over which the spectra are defined. Default is 20. |
Total number of energies to be used for numerical integration of the incident spectrum.
Default is 140, therefore maximum energy is 10 GeV/nuc, if
minEpd and nEpd are used with default values. |
The attenuation cross-section is integrated over for each material and over each of the
nEpd intervals per decade in energy using a Simpson 3/8 integration.nEint defines the number of intervals over which the energy integration is performed. Default is 22. |
Changes the tolerance for the Romberg numerical integration. If there are thin layers, this value should be low, e.g., ~1.0E-7 if thin ~10 microns Si layers are used.
At ~1mm thicknesses, 1.0E-4 appears to be sufficient, but lower values can be used if preferred without significantly slowing the numerical integration.
Default is 1.0E-7.
Lists all the current parameter values for integration process. |
Threshold ratio for ionising energy loss in layer to incident energy on layer.
Above this threshold, the ionising energy deposition per unit area is determined from the difference in the incident and exiting particle energy flux.
Below this threshold an approximate model (based on integration of flux, stopping power and mean pathlength) is used to calculate the energy deposition; this avoids problems due to rounding errors in the above method.
Default is 1.0E-6.
Print the threshold ratio for ionising energy loss in layer to incident energy on layer. |
These parameters should not be changed unless the user has a clear understanding of the consequences on the numerical integration processes.
NonMC NIEL Commands¶
Command |
Type |
Description |
Allows user to define a name/designation for the new NIEL coefficients |
G4double userEnergy >0.0G4double userNIEL >=0.0 |
Defines a single datapoint for the NIEL function |
Clears all NIEL curve data-points already entered for the user-defined NIEL curve. |
Lists the table of data-points for the user-defined NIEL curve. |
A nonMC analysis cannot be executed if one or more of the following conditions exist:
The incident particle is not an ion.
The angular distribution for the incident particles is not planar and is not cosine-law.
The incident particles have no component which is from the +Z direction (i.e. they are incident upon only the rear of the shield not from the front).
If ion fluence analysis is performed and the fluence analysis type is PLANAR rather than OMNIDIRECTIONAL.
Note also that the nonMC results for a spherical shield are relevant only to the calculated dose, TNID and fluence at the centre of the shield, not for the intervening layers.