Example Macro-file

As an example of the concept of operations of MULASSIS, the code block below provides the macro-file to simulate proton transport in aluminium and silicon layers. This macro is found as manual_example.g4mac in the top directory of the distribution.

Example macro file for MULASSIS
# Remove the default geometry
/geometry/layer/delete 0

# Now build a new geometry
# First define new material water. There are 4 predefined materials
# 1: Vacuum 2: Air 3: Aluminium 4: Silicon
/geometry/material/add Water H2-O 1.0

# There are three layers in the geometry
# The Format is: add position materialName colourIndex thickness unit
/geometry/layer/add 0 Aluminium 4 5. mm
/geometry/layer/add 1 Vacuum 2 4. mm
/geometry/layer/add 2 Aluminium 5 5. mm
/geometry/layer/add 3 Silicon 8 0.1 mm
/geometry/layer/list 0

# update MUST be called if the geometry has been changed

# Select hadronic processes without EM (electron-gamma) nor
# low-energy neutrons.
/phys/scenario hadron-em-ln

#Define global cuts as a function of particle.
/phys/cuts/global/default 0.5 mm
/phys/cuts/global/electron 1 mm
/phys/cuts/global/positron 2 mm

#Lower cuts for the Silicon layer
/phys/region/add Detector
/phys/region/addalayer Detector 4
/phys/cuts/region/setcut Detector 0.02 mm

#Lower cuts for the aluminium layer in front the silicon
/phys/region/add Low-cut-Al
/phys/region/addalayer Low-cut-Al 3
/phys/cuts/region/cutperparticle Low-cut-Al gamma 0.1 mm
/phys/cuts/region/cutperparticle Low-cut-Al e- 0.3 mm
/phys/cuts/region/cutperparticle Low-cut-Al e+ 0.3 mm

# Define the name of the CSV file for output.
/analysis/file Mulassis_Example
/analysis/normalise 1 cm2

# Delete the default pulse-height analysis settings, and set layer
# 4 for PHA
/analysis/phs/delete 0
/analysis/phs/add 4

# Delete the default fluence analysis settings, and set layers 1 and 4
# for fluence analysis in units of /cm^2
/analysis/fluence/unit cm2
/analysis/fluence/type omni
/analysis/fluence/delete 0
/analysis/fluence/add 1
/analysis/fluence/add 4

# Set the particles for fluence analysis as proton, neutron,
# electron and muon.
/analysis/fluence/particle/add proton
/analysis/fluence/particle/add neutron
/analysis/fluence/particle/add e-
/analysis/fluence/particle/add muon

# Perform total dose analysis on layer 4 in units of MeV.
/analysis/dose/add 4
/analysis/dose/unit MeV

# Perform NIEL analysis on layer 4 using coefficients from CERN.
/analysis/niel/add 4
/analysis/niel/function cern

# Define energy binning scheme for fluence spectra.
/analysis/fluence/energy/mode lin
/analysis/fluence/energy/min 0 keV
/analysis/fluence/energy/max 100 MeV
/analysis/fluence/energy/nbin 10

# Define angular binning scheme for fluence spectra.
/analysis/fluence/angle/mode arb
/analysis/fluence/angle/min 0 deg
/analysis/fluence/angle/max 180 deg
/analysis/fluence/angle/add 45 deg
/analysis/fluence/angle/add 90 deg

# Define energy binning scheme for energy deposition spectra.
/analysis/phs/energy/mode log
/analysis/phs/energy/min 10 keV
/analysis/phs/energy/max 5 MeV
/analysis/phs/energy/nbin 20

# Define the incident particle spectra
/gps/ang/type cos
/gps/ang/maxtheta 10. deg
/gps/ene/type Arb
/gps/hist/type arb
/gps/hist/point 1.01E+02        1.27E-01
/gps/hist/point 2.01E+02        2.52E-01
/gps/hist/point 3.00E+02        3.76E-01
/gps/hist/point 4.00E+02        5.03E-01
/gps/hist/point 5.06E+02        6.36E-01
/gps/hist/point 6.06E+02        7.61E-01
/gps/hist/point 7.05E+02        8.86E-01
/gps/hist/point 8.09E+02        1.02E+00
/gps/hist/point 8.21E+02        1.03E+00
/gps/hist/point 8.32E+02        1.05E+00
/gps/hist/point 8.43E+02        1.06E+00
/gps/hist/point 8.55E+02        1.07E+00
/gps/hist/point 8.67E+02        1.09E+00
/gps/hist/point 8.79E+02        1.10E+00
/gps/hist/point 8.91E+02        1.12E+00
/gps/hist/point 9.04E+02        1.14E+00
/gps/hist/point 1.01E+03        1.27E+00
/gps/hist/point 2.01E+03        2.53E+00
/gps/hist/point 3.00E+03        3.77E+00
/gps/hist/point 4.01E+03        5.04E+00
/gps/hist/point 5.00E+03        6.29E+00
/gps/hist/point 6.07E+03        7.63E+00
/gps/hist/point 7.07E+03        8.88E+00
/gps/hist/point 8.00E+03        1.01E+01
/gps/hist/point 9.06E+03        1.14E+01
/gps/hist/point 1.01E+04        1.27E+01
/gps/hist/point 2.02E+04        2.53E+01
/gps/hist/point 3.01E+04        3.78E+01
/gps/hist/point 4.02E+04        5.05E+01
/gps/hist/point 5.02E+04        6.30E+01
/gps/hist/point 6.00E+04        7.54E+01
/gps/hist/point 7.08E+04        8.90E+01
/gps/hist/point 8.02E+04        1.01E+02
/gps/hist/point 9.08E+04        1.14E+02
/gps/hist/point 1.00E+05        1.26E+02
/gps/hist/inter Lin
/gps/particle proton

# Set visualisation parameters.
#/control/execute display1.mac

# Output results to the CSV file every 10000 primary particles.
/event/printModulo 10000

# Limit the execution time to 60,000 CPU seconds.
/run/cputime 60000.

# Commence simulation of 100,000 primary particles.
/run/beamOn 100000
