The MUlti LAyer Shielding SImulation Software (MULASSIS) was initially developed by the QinetiQ Space Department for ESA/ESTEC under contract 14968/00/NL/EC (ESA Technology Research Programme, Space Environment and Effects Major Axis), in part fulfilment of Work Package 3 of the contract “development of software tools”. Since then, development and maintenance of the software has continued by the European Space Agency, Kallisto Consultancy, RadMod Research, L. Desorgher, V. Ivantchenko, and others.
A major extension of MULASSIS was provided during the ESHIEM and HIERRAS contracts, where the IRONSSIS NonMC functionality was implemented for proton and ion analyses. The IRONSSIS extensions provides a rapid non-Monte Carlo simulation of ion transport in 1D shields, making use of the Geant4 stopping powers. This development also implemented the progress reporting facility, which provides an update and output file during the MC or NonMC simulations that indicate the running and completion status.
Purpose of the Document¶
This document contains the instructions for installation and execution of The Multi-Layered Shielding Simulation Software (MULASSIS). It is the Software User’s Manual (SUM) as identified in the ESA PSS-05 Standard [R1].
Scope of the Document¶
MULASSIS utilises the Geant4 radiation transport toolkit as the basis of the simulation to treat the run-management, geometry tracking, physical interaction processes and user interface. Specifically, the current MULASSIS uses Geant4.10.7. The MULASSIS code can be installed on a standalone system. It is also accessible via the ESA SPENVIS system through the MULASSIS web-page interface developed by the Royal Belgian Insitute for Space Aeronomy. This document concentrates on the procedures of installing and executing the MULASSIS code on a standalone system. The installation procedure is limited to the PC-Linux platforms. However the execution procedure and commands are the same on all platforms which Geant4 toolkit supports.
The user requirements for MULASSIS are detailed in the User Requirements Document (URD) [R2]. Definition of the software requirements and architectural design of MULASSIS are covered in the software specification document [R3].
MULASSIS Development Contracts¶
14968/00/NL/EC - initial MULASSIS development
16339/02/NL/FM - SEPTIMESS
4000107025/12/NL/GLC - ESHIEM
4000127129/19/NL/HK - HIERRAS
Getting Started¶