AtmoCosmicsPropagation of particle through the Earth's Atmosphere
MagnetoCosmicsPropagation of particles through the Earth's Magnetic Field
PlanetoCosmicsPropagation of particles in planetary magnetospheres
MULASSISESA Community Strong CopyleftMulti-Layered Shielding Simulation Software. 1D slab/sphere dosimetry
GRASESA Community Strong CopyleftGeant4 Radiation Analysis for Space. 3D full Monte-Carlo analysis tool.
SSATSector Shielding Analysis Tool. Ray tracing tool for 3D shielding distribution analysis.
ODI ClientESA Community License- Weak Copyleft Open Data Interface - a common backend and database system for space environment data processing.
ODI ServerESA Community Strong CopyleftOpen Data Interface - a common backend and database system for space environment data processing.
UNILIBEuropean Space Agency Community License – v2.4 Weak Copyleft (Type 2)UNILIB Magnetic field library - provides FORTRAN functions to evaluate Earth magnetic field models and determine magnetic field coordinates, e.g. B and L