AtmoCosmics | | Propagation of particle through the Earth's Atmosphere |
MagnetoCosmics | | Propagation of particles through the Earth's Magnetic Field |
PlanetoCosmics | | Propagation of particles in planetary magnetospheres |
MULASSIS | ESA Community Strong Copyleft | Multi-Layered Shielding Simulation Software. 1D slab/sphere dosimetry |
GRAS | ESA Community Strong Copyleft | Geant4 Radiation Analysis for Space. 3D full Monte-Carlo analysis tool. |
SSAT | | Sector Shielding Analysis Tool. Ray tracing tool for 3D shielding distribution analysis. |
ODI Client | ESA Community License- Weak Copyleft | Open Data Interface - a common backend and database system for space environment data processing. |
ODI Server | ESA Community Strong Copyleft | Open Data Interface - a common backend and database system for space environment data processing. |