Honig, Thomas; Witasse, Olivier G; Evans, Hugh; Nieminen, Petteri; Kuulkers, Erik; Taylor, Matt G G T; Heber, Bernd; Guo, Jingnan; Sánchez-Cano, Beatriz: Multi-point galactic cosmic ray measurements between 1 and 4.5 AU over a full solar cycle. In: Annales Geophysicae, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 903-918, 2019. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX)@article{2019AnGeo..37..903Hb, |
Jiggens, P.; Clavie, C.; Evans, H.; O'Brien, T. P.; Witasse, O.; Mishev, A. L.; Nieminen, P.; Daly, E.; Kalegaev, V.; Vlasova, N.; Borisov, S.; Benck, S.; Poivey, C.; Cyamukungu, M.; Mazur, J.; Heynderickx, D.; Sandberg, I.; Berger, T.; Usoskin, I. G.; Paassilta, M.; Vain, R.: In-Situ Data and Effect Correlation During September 2017 Solar Particle Event. In: Space weather, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 99-117, 2019. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)@article{Jiggens2019, Solar energetic particles are one of the main sources of particle radiation seen in space. In the first part of September 2017 the most active solar period of cycle 24 produced four large X‐class flares and a series of (interplanetary) coronal mass ejections, which gave rise to radiation storms seen over all energies and at the ground by neutron monitors. This paper presents comprehensive cross comparisons of in situ radiation detector data from near‐Earth satellites to give an appraisal on the state of present data processing for monitors of such particles. Many of these data sets have been the target of previous cross calibrations, and this event with a hard spectrum provides the opportunity to validate these results. As a result of the excellent agreement found between these data sets and the use of neutron monitor data, this paper also presents an analytical expression for fluence spectrum for the event. Derived ionizing dose values have been computed to show that although there is a significant high‐energy component, the event was not particularly concerning as regards dose effects in spacecraft electronics. Several sets of spacecraft data illustrating single event effects are presented showing a more significant impact in this regard. Such a hard event can penetrate thick shielding; human dose quantities measured inside the International Space Station and derived through modeling for aircraft altitudes are also presented. Lastly, simulation results of coronal mass ejection propagation through the heliosphere are presented along with data from Mars‐orbiting spacecraft in addition to data from the Mars surface. |
Alía, Rubén García; Martínez, Pablo Fernández; Kastriotou, Maria; Brugger, Markus; Bernhard, Johannes; Cecchetto, Matteo; Cerutti, Francesco; Charitonidis, Nikolaos; Danzeca, Salvatore; Gatignon, Lau; Gerbershagen, Alexander; Gilardoni, Simone; Kerboub, Nourdine; Tali, Maris; Wyrwoll, Vanessa; Ferlet-Cavrois, Véronique; Polo, César Boatella; Evans, Hugh; Furano, Gianluca; Saint-Arnoult, Rémi Gaillard: Ultra-energetic Heavy-Ion Beams in the CERN Accelerator Complex for Radiation Effects Testing. In: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 66, no. 1, pp. 458, 2019. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)@article{Alía2019, Traditional heavy-ion testing for single-event effects is carried out in cyclotron facilities with energies around 10 MeV/n. Despite their capability of providing a broad range of linear energy transfer (LET) values, the main limitations are related to the need of testing in a vacuum and with the sensitive region of the components accessible to the low range ions. In this paper, we explore the use of ultrahigh energy (UHE) (5–150 GeV/n) ions in the CERN accelerator complex for radiation effects on electronics testing. At these energies, we show, both through simulations and experimental data, the significant impact of the ion energy on the ionization track structure and associated volume-restricted LET value, highlighting the possible limitations for radiation hardness assurance for highenergy accelerator applications. In addition, we show that from a nuclear interaction perspective, UHE ions behave similar to protons independently of their significantly larger mass. |
Aminalragia-Giamini, S; Papadimitriou, C; Sandberg, I; Tsigkanos, A; Jiggens, P; Evans, H; Rodgers, D; Daglis, I A: Artificial intelligence unfolding for space radiation monitor data. In: Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, vol. 8, pp. A50, 2018. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX)@article{2018JSWSC...8A..50Ab, |
Wellbrock, Anne; Jones, Geraint; Coates, Andrew; Wedlund, Cyril Simon; Goetz, Charlotte; Dresing, Nina; Nordheim, Tom; Mandt, Kathleen; Hajra, Rajkumar; Myllys, Minna; Henri, Pierre; Nilsson, Hans: Observations of a Solar Energetic Particle event from inside the comet 67P coma and upstream of the comet. In: European Planetary Science Congress, pp. EPSC2018-964, 2018. (Type: Proceedings Article | BibTeX)@inproceedings{2018EPSC...12..964W, |
Georgoulis, Manolis K; Papaioannou, Athanasios; Sandberg, Ingmar; Anastasiadis, Anastasios; Daglis, Ioannis A; Rodrìguez-Gasén, Rosa; Aran, Angels; Sanahuja, Blai; Nieminen, Petteri: Analysis and interpretation of inner-heliospheric SEP events with the ESA Standard Radiation Environment Monitor (SREM) onboard the INTEGRAL and Rosetta Missions. In: Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, vol. 8, pp. A40, 2018. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX)@article{2018JSWSC...8A..40G, |
Wyrwoll, V; Lüdeke, S; Evans, H; Poppe, B: Validation of flux models to characterize the radiation environment in space based on current Rosetta-data. In: 2017 17th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), pp. 1-4, 2017. (Type: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX)@inproceedings{8696188, |
Hajdas, Wojtek; Xiao, Hualin; Marcinkowski, Radoslaw: Sensitivity studies of SREM instrument response and spectral unfolding to particle environment anisotropy. In: EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, pp. EPSC2016-14408, 2016. (Type: Proceedings Article | BibTeX)@inproceedings{2016EGUGA..1814408H, |
Hajdas, W; Desorgher, L; Evans, H; Nieminen, P; Buehler, P: Standard Radiation Environment Monitor - data repository and web based data analysis tools. In: International Cosmic Ray Conference, pp. 1470, 2013. (Type: Proceedings Article | BibTeX)@inproceedings{2013ICRC...33.1470H, |
Horeau, Benoît; Boulade, Olivier; Claret, Arnaud; Feuchtgruber, Helmut; Okumura, Koryo; Panuzzo, Pasquale; Papageorgiou, Andrea; Revéret, Vincent; Rodriguez, Louis; Sauvage, Marc: Impacts of The Radiation Environment At L2 On Bolometers Onboard The Herschel Space Observatory. In: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, pp. arXiv:1207.5597, 2012, ISBN: 978-1-4577-0586-1. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX)@article{2012arXiv1207.5597H, |
Hajdas, Wojtek; Evans, Hugh; Mohammadzadeh, Ali; Nieminen, Petteri; Desorgher, Laurent; Buehler, Paul; Daly, Eamonn: Space Weather studies with a fleet of ESA SREM monitors. In: 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, pp. 712, 2012. (Type: Proceedings Article | BibTeX)@inproceedings{2012cosp...39..712Hb, |
Sandberg, I.; Daglis, I. A.; Anastasiadis, A.; Bühler, P.; Nieminen, P.; Evans, H.: Unfolding and Validation of SREM Fluxes. In: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 59, no. 4, pp. 1105-1112, 2012, ISBN: 0018-9499 . (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)@article{Sandberg2012, The Standard Radiation Environment Monitor (SREM) belongs to a second generation of instruments in a program established by the European Research and Technology Centre of the European Space Agency (ESA) to provide minimum intrusive particle radiation detectors on ESA spacecraft for space weather applications, which are also suitable for scientific investigations. |
Sandberg, I; Daglis, I A; Anastasiadis, A; Balasis, G; Georgoulis, M; Nieminen, P; Evans, H; Daly, E: Monitoring solar energetic particles with an armada of European spacecraft and the new automated SEPF (Solar Energetic Proton Fluxes) Tool. In: Papadakis, Iossif; Anastasiadis, Anastasios (Ed.): 10th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, pp. 8-9, 2012. (Type: Proceedings Article | BibTeX)@inproceedings{2012hell.conf....8S, |
Georgoulis, M; Daglis, I A; Anastasiadis, A; Sandberg, I; Balasis, G; Nieminen, P: Solar Energetic Particle Events detected by the Standard Radiation Environment Monitor (SREM) onboard INTEGRAL. In: Papadakis, Iossif; Anastasiadis, Anastasios (Ed.): 10th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, pp. 10-10, 2012. (Type: Proceedings Article | BibTeX)@inproceedings{2012hell.conf...10G, |
Hajdas, Wojtek; Evans, Hugh; Mohammadzadeh, Ali; Nieminen, Petteri; Desorgher, Laurent; Buehler, Paul; Daly, Eamonn: Space Weather studies with a fleet of ESA SREM monitors. In: 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, pp. 712, 2012. (Type: Proceedings Article | BibTeX)@inproceedings{2012cosp...39..712H, |
Papaioannou, A; Mavromichalaki, H; Gerontidou, M; Souvatzoglou, G; Nieminen, P; Glover, A: Solar particle event analysis using the standard radiation environment monitors: applying the neutron monitor's experience. In: Astrophysics and Space Sciences Transactions, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 1-5, 2011. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX)@article{2011ASTRA...7....1P, |
Siegl, M.; Evans, H. D. R.; Daly, E. J.; Santin, G.; Nieminen, P. J.; Bühler, P.: Inner Belt Anisotropy Investigations Based on the Standard Radiation Environment Monitor (SREM). In: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 2017-2023, 2010, ISBN: 0018-9499 . (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)@article{SIEGL2010, The Standard Radiation Environment Monitor (SREM) is a particle detector developed for wide use on ESA spacecraft. It is flying on several ESA missions, most recently the Herschel and Planck space telescopes. Using data from the SREM unit on PROBA-1 in LEO, pitch angle anisotropics in the inner Van Allen belt are investigated. The sensitivity of the SREM to pitch angle induced flux anisotropics can be linked to the directional response function of the SREM, obtained using GRAS/Geant4 Monte-Carlo simulations. The directional response function is combined with an anisotropic version of the AP8 model (based on the Badhwar-Konradi anisotropy distribution) to yield improved count predictions. The importance of considering flux anisotropies is shown for both short-term data and long-term integrated counts. Significant improvements to the AP8 model can be realised. |
Sandberg, I; Daglis, I A; Anastasiadis, A; Tziotziou, K; Bühler, P; Nieminen, P: Estimating Fluxes of SEPs by Unfolding ESA/SREM Data. In: Tsinganos, K; Hatzidimitriou, D; Matsakos, T (Ed.): 9th International Conference of the Hellenic Astronomical Society, pp. 43, 2010. (Type: Proceedings Article | BibTeX)@inproceedings{2010ASPC..424...43S, |
Marinov, Dilyan; Hajdas, Wojtek; Desorgher, Laurent; Buehler, Paul; Evans, Hugh; Nieminen, Petteri: Methods of SREM channel counts to particle fluxes conversion. In: 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, pp. 7, 2010. (Type: Proceedings Article | BibTeX)@inproceedings{2010cosp...38.4240M, |
Siegl, M.: Standard radiation environment monitor: simulation and inner belt flux anisotropy investigation. Lulea University of Technology, 2009. (Type: Masters Thesis | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)@mastersthesis{Siegl2009, The Standard Radiation Environment Monitor (SREM) is a standardised particle detector for mapping highly-energetic protons and electrons of the radiation field. It is employed on several ESA spacecraft (Integral, Rosetta, PROBA-1, Giove-B, Herschel, Planck) to provide radiation level information and to issue dose warnings to other instruments. A geometric model of the SREM instrument is simulated using GRAS/Geant4 to determine its directional response function. The instrument response to both protons and electrons is obtained for a wide range of discrete energy levels and directions of particle incidence. Analysis of the simulation output shows the directional characteristics of the SREM response and the resulting sensitivity to the pitch angle distribution of the flux. The directional, spherical and integrated response functions of the SREM are presented and discussed. The SREM on PROBA-1 (Project for On-Board Autonomy) gathers data of geomagnetically trapped protons, particularly in the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA). The proton flux in the PROBA-1 orbit is investigated using the omnidirectional AP-8 model. Combining the SREM response function with the proton flux yields predictions of the SREM countrates which are then compared to data measured by PROBA-1. The influence of flux anisotropies on the SREM countrates is demonstrated and proves the necessity of including a model for the distribution of particle pitch angles: the Badhwar-Konradi model of pitch angle distribution is implemented and combined with the omnidirectional AP-8 model to yield an anisotropic unidirectional flux model. As a consequence, significant improvements to the AP-8 model are realised. The importance of considering flux anisotropies is shown both for short-term SREM countrate features and long-term integrated counts. Data analysis and comparison to simulated data is performed with respect to different values of McIlwain's L-coordinates and varying particle pitch angles. To simulate countrates, the attitude of the SREM on PROBA-1 relative to the magnetic field vector is determined using the magnetometer on-board PROBA-1. Radiation due to geomagnetically trapped protons contributes substantially to the overall radiation levels on the International Space Station (ISS). Based on the importance of the pitch angle distribution, the relevance of proton anisotropy for ISS dose levels is motivated. |
Marinov, D; Hajdas, W; Schlumpf, N; Desorgher, L; Evans, H; Nieminen, P: Space weather observations with four SREM radiation monitors. In: Király, P; Kudela, K; Stehl'ik, M; Wolfendale, A W (Ed.): 21st European Cosmic Ray Symposium, pp. 139-143, 2009. (Type: Proceedings Article | BibTeX)@inproceedings{2009ecrs.conf..139M, |
Evans, H. D. R.; Bühler, P.; Hajdas, W.; Daly, E. J.; Nieminen, P.; Mohammadzadeh, A.: Results from the ESA SREM monitors and comparison with existing radiation belt models. In: Advances in Space Research, vol. 42, no. 9, pp. 1527-2537, 2008. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)@article{Evans2008, The Standard Radiation Environment Monitor (SREM) is a simple particle detector developed for wide application on ESA satellites. It measures high-energy protons and electrons of the space environment with a 20° angular resolution and limited spectral information. Of the ten SREMs that have been manufactured, four have so far flown. The first model on STRV-1c functioned well until an early spacecraft failure. The other three are on-board, the ESA spacecraft INTEGRAL, ROSETTA and PROBA-1. Another model is flying on GIOVE-B, launched in April 2008 with three L-2 science missions to follow: both Herschel and Planck in 2008, and GAIA in 2011). The diverse orbits of these spacecraft and the common calibration of the monitors provides a unique dataset covering a wide range of B-L∗ space, providing a direct comparison of the radiation levels in the belts at different locations, and the effects of geomagnetic shielding. Data from the PROBA/SREM and INTEGRAL/IREM are compared with existing radiation belt models. |
Evans, H D R; Bühler, P; Hajdas, W; Daly, E; Nieminen, P; Mohammadzadeh, A: Results from the ESA SREM Monitors and Comparison with Existing Radiation Belt Models. In: 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, pp. 3044, 2006. (Type: Proceedings Article | BibTeX)@inproceedings{2006cosp...36.3044E, |
Mohammadzadeh, A.; Evans, H.; Nieminen, P.; Daly, E.; Vuilleumier, P.; Bühler, P.; Eggel, C.; Hajdas, W.; Schlumpf, N.; Zehnder, A.; Schneider, J.; Fear, R.: The ESA Standard Radiation Environment Monitor program first results from PROBA-I and INTEGRAL. In: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 50, no. 6, pp. 2272-2277, 2003, ISSN: 0018-9499. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)@article{Zadeh2003, The main characteristics of the European Space Agency (ESA) Standard Radiation Environment Monitor (SREM) are outlined. First SREM results from the Project for On-Board Autonomy-I (PROBA-I) and INTEGRAL spacecraft are presented. |
Hajdas, W.; Bühler, P.; Eggel, C.; Favre, P.; Mchedlishvili, A.; Zehnder, A.: Radiation environment along the INTEGRAL orbit measured with the IREM monitor. In: Astronomy & Astrophysics, vol. 411, no. 1, pp. L43-L47, 2003. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX)@article{Hajdas2003, The INTEGRAL Radiation Environment Monitor (IREM) is a payload supporting instrument on board the INTEGRAL satellite. The monitor continually measures electron and proton fluxes along the orbit and provides this information to the spacecraft on board data handler. The mission alert system broadcasts it to the payload instruments enabling them to react accordingly to the current radiation level. Additionally, the IREM conducts its autonomous research mapping the Earth radiation environment for the space weather program. Its scientific data are available for further analysis almost without delay. |
Hajdas, W; Zehnder, A; Adams, L; Buehler, P; Harboe-Sorensen, R; Daum, M; Nickson, R; Daly, E; Nieminen, P: Proton Irradiation Facility and Space Radiation Monitoring at the Paul Scherrer Institute. In: Physica Medica, vol. 17, no. Suppl 1, pp. 119-123, 2001. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | BibTeX)@article{Hajdas2001, The Proton Irradiation Facility (PIF) has been designed and constructed, in cooperation between Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and European Space Agency (ESA), for terrestrial proton testing of components and materials for spacecraft. Emphasis has been given to generating realistic proton spectra encountered by space-flights at any potential orbit. The facility, designed in a user-friendly manner, can be readily adapted to the individual requirements of experimenters. It is available for general use serving also in testing of radiation monitors and for proton experiments in different scientific disciplines. The Radiation Environment Monitor REM has been developed for measurements of the spacecraft radiation conditions. Two instruments were launched into space, one into a Geo-stationary Transfer Orbit on board of the STRV-1b satellite and one into a Low Earth Orbit on the Russian MIR station. The next generation of monitors (SREMs--Standard REMs) is currently under development in partnership of ESA, PSI and Contraves-Space. They will operate both as minimum intrusive monitors, which provide radiation housekeeping data and alert the spacecraft when the radiation level crosses allowed limits and as small scientific devices measuring particle spectra and fluxes. Future missions as e.g. INTEGRAL, STRV-1c and PROBA will be equipped with new SREMs. |
Bühler, P.; Desorgher, L.; Zehnder, A.; Hajdas, W.; Daly, E.; Adams, L.: Simple instruments for continuous measurements of trapped particles. ESA/ESTEC European Space Agency, Postbus 299, 2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands, vol. ESA SP-392, 1996. (Type: Proceedings | Abstract | BibTeX)@proceedings{Buehler1996, In order to keep space radiation environment models up-to-date regular measurements are needed. To measure the high energy particle environment instruments can be used which are small, power saving, and have low weight, to be acceptable as additional payload on any spacecraft. Since two years now a first version of such an instrument is working in space and proves to deliver reliable information on the particle environment. An improved version, the Standard Radiation Environment Monitor, is under development and will be available until the end of 1997. |
Standard Radiation Environment Monitor

- Mass : 2.64 kg
- Power: < 2.2 W by wide power voltage bus from 20 to 55 Vdc
- Dimensions: 95 mm × 122 mm × 217 mm (h×w×l)
- Reliability: > 0.85 for 10 year mission
- Radiation tolerant components (> 30 kRad)
- direction sensitive particle spectroscopy for
- electrons (e-) in the energy ranges of 0.3 to 6MeV
- protons (p+) in the energy ranges 8 to 300 MeV
- with fifteen detection levels
- detection and counting of cosmic ray events
- high count rate of typically > 100’000 events/sec.
- 1 RadFet for SREM internal total dose measurements
- up to 6 external RadFet’s for total dose measurements at exposed locations on spacecraft
- STRV-1c (November 2000)
- PROBA-1 (October 2001)
- INTEGRAL (October 2002)
- Rosetta (October 2004)
- Giove-B (May 2008)
- Herschel (May 2009)
- Planck (May 2009)
Multi-point galactic cosmic ray measurements between 1 and 4.5 AU over a full solar cycle. In: Annales Geophysicae, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 903-918, 2019. | :
In-Situ Data and Effect Correlation During September 2017 Solar Particle Event. In: Space weather, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 99-117, 2019. | :
Ultra-energetic Heavy-Ion Beams in the CERN Accelerator Complex for Radiation Effects Testing. In: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 66, no. 1, pp. 458, 2019. | :
Artificial intelligence unfolding for space radiation monitor data. In: Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, vol. 8, pp. A50, 2018. | :
Observations of a Solar Energetic Particle event from inside the comet 67P coma and upstream of the comet. In: European Planetary Science Congress, pp. EPSC2018-964, 2018. | :
Analysis and interpretation of inner-heliospheric SEP events with the ESA Standard Radiation Environment Monitor (SREM) onboard the INTEGRAL and Rosetta Missions. In: Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, vol. 8, pp. A40, 2018. | :
Validation of flux models to characterize the radiation environment in space based on current Rosetta-data. In: 2017 17th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), pp. 1-4, 2017. | :
Sensitivity studies of SREM instrument response and spectral unfolding to particle environment anisotropy. In: EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, pp. EPSC2016-14408, 2016. | :
Standard Radiation Environment Monitor - data repository and web based data analysis tools. In: International Cosmic Ray Conference, pp. 1470, 2013. | :
Impacts of The Radiation Environment At L2 On Bolometers Onboard The Herschel Space Observatory. In: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, pp. arXiv:1207.5597, 2012, ISBN: 978-1-4577-0586-1. | :
Space Weather studies with a fleet of ESA SREM monitors. In: 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, pp. 712, 2012. | :
Unfolding and Validation of SREM Fluxes. In: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 59, no. 4, pp. 1105-1112, 2012, ISBN: 0018-9499 . | :
Monitoring solar energetic particles with an armada of European spacecraft and the new automated SEPF (Solar Energetic Proton Fluxes) Tool. In: Papadakis, Iossif; Anastasiadis, Anastasios (Ed.): 10th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, pp. 8-9, 2012. | :
Solar Energetic Particle Events detected by the Standard Radiation Environment Monitor (SREM) onboard INTEGRAL. In: Papadakis, Iossif; Anastasiadis, Anastasios (Ed.): 10th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, pp. 10-10, 2012. | :
Space Weather studies with a fleet of ESA SREM monitors. In: 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, pp. 712, 2012. | :
Solar particle event analysis using the standard radiation environment monitors: applying the neutron monitor's experience. In: Astrophysics and Space Sciences Transactions, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 1-5, 2011. | :
Inner Belt Anisotropy Investigations Based on the Standard Radiation Environment Monitor (SREM). In: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 2017-2023, 2010, ISBN: 0018-9499 . | :
Estimating Fluxes of SEPs by Unfolding ESA/SREM Data. In: Tsinganos, K; Hatzidimitriou, D; Matsakos, T (Ed.): 9th International Conference of the Hellenic Astronomical Society, pp. 43, 2010. | :
Methods of SREM channel counts to particle fluxes conversion. In: 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, pp. 7, 2010. | :
Standard radiation environment monitor: simulation and inner belt flux anisotropy investigation. Lulea University of Technology, 2009. | :
Space weather observations with four SREM radiation monitors. In: Király, P; Kudela, K; Stehl'ik, M; Wolfendale, A W (Ed.): 21st European Cosmic Ray Symposium, pp. 139-143, 2009. | :
Results from the ESA SREM monitors and comparison with existing radiation belt models. In: Advances in Space Research, vol. 42, no. 9, pp. 1527-2537, 2008. | :
Results from the ESA SREM Monitors and Comparison with Existing Radiation Belt Models. In: 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, pp. 3044, 2006. | :
The ESA Standard Radiation Environment Monitor program first results from PROBA-I and INTEGRAL. In: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 50, no. 6, pp. 2272-2277, 2003, ISSN: 0018-9499. | :
Radiation environment along the INTEGRAL orbit measured with the IREM monitor. In: Astronomy & Astrophysics, vol. 411, no. 1, pp. L43-L47, 2003. | :
Proton Irradiation Facility and Space Radiation Monitoring at the Paul Scherrer Institute. In: Physica Medica, vol. 17, no. Suppl 1, pp. 119-123, 2001. | :
Simple instruments for continuous measurements of trapped particles. ESA/ESTEC European Space Agency, Postbus 299, 2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands, vol. ESA SP-392, 1996. | :
SREM is a particle detector, developed for space applications. It measures high energy electrons and protons with a fair angular and spectral resolution and provides the host spacecraft with radiation information. SREMs have been launched on several satellites: Strv-1c, Proba-1, Integral, Rosetta, GIOVE-B, Herschel, Planck, and additional missions are to follow. SREM is the successor of the Radiation Environment Monitor REM.
SREM was developed and manufactured by oerlikon space in cooperation with Paul Scherrer Institute under a development contract of the European Space Agency.
Data from the instrument is available from the SREM PSI site.